An Heir is Born

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Claire briskly walks to the kitchen, trying to douse her flaring temper on her way. When she enters the kitchen, she is as gracious as ever. The servants all bow and greet her happily. A young man walks up to her "Your grace, is there something that you need?" She grins "I was hoping one of you could follow me to pick out a few bottles of wine?" Before any of them can volunteer, Claire points at Louise "Would you help me, dear?" The girl quickly follows Claire out of the kitchen and down the hall to store room. As soon as Claire closes the door, she turns and slams Louise against the brick wall. Before Louise can speak, Claire wraps her hand around her throat, silencing any protests. Claire towers over the petite girl, so she has to lean down to be eye to eye with her "Are you pregnant with my brother's child?" The girl's short nails bite into Claire's arm as she chokes out a strangled 'yes'. Claire's voice is a snarl "That is a problem." She loosens her grip on the girls throat only slightly "Do you know what Henri wanted me to do to you?" She tightens her grip once more "He wanted me to push you down the stairs. That would be tragic, wouldn't it? Poor Louise. She was so busy with her duties that she slipped and fell down the stairs." Louise's eyes are wide with fear "The prince was the one that-" Claire silences her quickly "I am going to give you a lesson, and it will do you well to remember it. Men are never responsible. Even if my brother held you down and forced himself upon you. It isn't his fault. It's yours. You flirted too much, you didn't tell him no. You had sex with him, and because of your recklessness a child has been brought into this." Claire releases Louise, who is in tears now, and begins to walk leisurely around the room "I will not be pushing you down the stairs. I am going to be gracious. So I am giving you a few possibilities, and you can choose whichever you would like. You can find an excuse, any excuse really, to leave court. You can then raise your child as the bastard that it is. The best possibility is that you could find a nice young man, similar in appearance to the prince, marry him and have him believe the child is his. That would be the best possibility. The worst possibility would be me listening to my dear brother and pushing you down the stairs." Louise quickly shakes her head "No! Please! There is a boy in the kitchen. He is tall and blonde." Claire narrows her eyes "If you ever look at my brother again, I will kill you." Without another word, Claire grabs the nearest bottle of wine and leaves Louise shaken and in tears.

Henri quickly turns when the door to his chambers opens "Is she dead?" Claire rolls her eyes "No. I took care of it without killing her, Henri." She rests her hand on her contracting belly, pausing to catch her breath. Once the contraction passes, Claire turns back to Henri "Do you want to be a King?" Immediately, Henri nods "Of course I do!" Claire reaches out and grasps him by the collar of his shirt "Then why are you willing to give that up for your sexual appetite?!" Henri rips himself away from his sister "As though I am the only man in France with a bastard child!" Claire's sarcastic laugh echoes through the room "You are the only man in France that has even a slight chance of becoming King of England! Do you honestly think that Elizabeth would consider a marriage with you if you have a child?" Henri rolls his eyes, and refuses to answer his sister. As Claire opens her mouth to continue scolding her brother, a powerful contraction clutches her body. Claire keels over and grips her belly "My god!" Henri darts to his sister's side "What's happened?" Claire's answer is spoken through gritted teeth "I'm having a contraction. They have been stronger than ever in these last few days." She begins to straighten up, but her belly tightens painfully in protest. Claire yelps painfully "No. No. No." Henri rests his hand on his sister's back "What?" Claire shakes her head defiantly "He isn't ready! It isn't time!" Suddenly, Henri understands what's happening. Claire's feeling labor pains. The baby is coming.

Henri quickly scoops Claire into his arms, and begins the trek to his sister's chambers. When he passes by a group of gossiping servants, he barks out orders "Fetch the royal physician! Where is my sister's midwife?" He barely slows his pace as the servants quickly fall in line behind him "One of you go and alert the general that his wife is being taken to their chambers!" Claire pushes against her brother's chest "Henri! I am capable of walking!" As much as she pushes against his chest, Henri only treks on. When they reach Claire's chambers, he deposits her onto the bed as numerous servants follow them into the room. They quickly usher Henri out as Claire tries to protest. Her breath evades her as yet another contraction grips her belly. She allows herself to rest back against the numerous pillows on the bed. The servants quickly begin tending to her: pulling her hair back into a braid, removing her outer garments so she is left only in her chemise, and pressing a damp cloth to her forehead. Claire tries to steady her mind as she prepares herself to usher her child into the world, but there is a fear gripping her heart that keeps her from doing so. It's as though Claire is unable to get enough air into her lungs. Even when she begins to desperately gasp for air, her lungs burn. Several servants attempt to calm the frantic princess, but the hands against her hair only panic her further. As the edges of her vision begin to blacken, one hand cups her cheek "Breathe, love." Claire makes her eyes focus and sees her mother on the bed beside her. Catherine nods as Claire's breathing evens slightly "There you go, my love." After a few moments, Claire's breathing returns to normal. She leans back against the pillows "My child..." Catherine grins "He is ready to come into the world." Claire's eyes widen fearfully "Where is Edward? I want my husband!" Catherine cups Claire's face in hers "My dear, this is no place for a man. It is not appropriate for him to be here." Stray tears flow down Claire's cheeks as another contraction seizes her body. Claire groans "This is too quick! Something is wrong!" Catherine rests her hands against her daughter's belly. When she feels how hard her stomach is, Catherine realizes what has happened "You have been in labor for hours." Claire shakes her head "What?" As Catherine continues to feel her daughter's hard stomach, her theory is further validated "Yes. You must have went into labor early this morning. There is no more water in your belly. That is why your belly is so firm." Claire tries to calm herself as Catherine continues "He cannot come yet. It's too early." Catherine frowns "He is coming regardless of whether or not you're ready." 

The midwife urges Catherine to let her tend to Claire and the baby, but Catherine doesn't move from her spot between her daughter's legs "I have brought children into this world, and I will help my daughter do the same." The midwife humbly steps to the side as Claire screams. She has been pushing for nearly an hour, and is quickly becoming exhausted. Catherine can see that Claire's energy is leaving her "My dear, he is almost here. I can see him." Claire shakes her head "I can't." The edges of her vision begin to blacken as her strength leaves her body. Claire doesn't know it, but her mother is whispering to the midwife to prepare to cut the baby out of her. This child is the heir to the throne of France. He must live. As Claire's eyes begin to flutter shut, an all too familiar voice echoes through her head "You are almost there, love." Catherine and the other women look on, confused, as Claire begins whispering "I can't. I'm so tired." The voice belongs to her father "Yes, you can. You must. Think of all that you have done. You are going to be the Queen of France. All that you have done has been for this child. Your Henry." Claire hums pitifully "Papa..." Suddenly, it is as though lightning has struck her. Claire's eyes snap open and she reaches out for the hands of her ladies. They quickly reach out so that she can grip their hands, and Claire bears down. Catherine exclaims happily as her daughter begins pushing with renewed strength.  The baby's head is visible, and Catherine grins "He has a head full of hair!" After three more pushes, Claire feels the wonderful release of pressure. She falls back against the bed as her child's cries fill the room. Catherine loosely wraps the child in a linen sheet and walks to her daughter. Claire reaches out, and takes her child greedily. When she sees the child lying in her arms, she is speechless.

HEY!!!! I'm sorry that it has been so long!! I moved back into college, and my classes are kicking my ass! I promise I will be updating more regularly! LOVE YALL

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