Chapter 23

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~Erica P.O.V~

I was a little upset that Harry was going on a date but I shouldn't care.. I mean we did kiss in the kitchen. Whatever I am just the babysitter nothing more I shouldn't care. Maybe I should just forget about Harry and move on from that. I knew that Autumn was going to try extra hard to get me away from Harry so her dream doesn't come true... but it was a damn dream!... I'm going to stop talking about Harry now.

I got up from the couch and went upstairs and started listening to music. I closed my eyes for a second and ended up falling asleep.


I walk towards the empty road not knowing were I am. I don't freak out I just start walking. the road looks like it's coming to an end. I tripped over a rock on the ground. This rock had initials carved into them.

"H.S + E.W"

I threw the rock into the wooded area around me. Thats when I start hearing voices calling my name. I look around to see who's calling my name but I am all alone. Just me, myself, and I.

-End of Dream-

My eyes quickly shot open and I saw Autumn standing over me which creeped me out. I took off my headphones and looked at her a bit confused.

"What Autumn?"

"We need to talk about your relationship with Harry."

"No! I'm not talking about it... don't worry your dream isn't going to come true if that's all your worried about! Harry doesn't even like me."

"Look to be honest I don't care. Bit you and Harry just need to stay in the friend zone with each other."

That kind of hurt. I rolled my eyes and put my headphones back in and closed my eyes. I couldn't stop thinking about Harry. I want to be over him. I don't like him I try to tell myself.. but I don't believe it. I can't believe it.

-30 minutes later-

After taking a nap I went downstairs and saw everyone in the living room. I saw Harry and I felt sick. I don't know why I just felt sick. Autumn gave me a look but I rolled my eyes and went back upstairs.

I could hear footsteps behind me but I paid no mind to it. I turned around to see Louis following me. I smiled and kept walking but he grabbed me before I could go in my room.

"Erica why are you so upset? you've been upset since earlier today." I quietly sighed but I guess I could tell him what's going on.

"It's kind of long.. still wanna know?"

"Yes I have the time."

"Ok. so everyone knows I have feelings for Harry.. except for Harry.. I think I'm not sure.. but remember the day we kissed in the kitchen? well I developed feelings for him that day and he clearly didn't. I just feel stupid liking a guy I have no chances with.. it sucks but at the same time.. I have to let it go. I was upset basically all day and isolating myself from everyone was because Harry went on the fucking date with some girl.. and ugh I don't like her and I don't even know her... But who am I to be talking I'm just the babysitter." he gave me a half smile and started to talk.

"Well love I'm sorry. Don't be upset things will be okay.. I'm sure you will find someone who loves you as much as you love them."

"Yeah I know I just wish it was Harry." I could feel the tears coming. I just couldn't get the thought out of my head. I have no chance with Harry. A tear escaped and Louis rubbed my back. I shouldn't be sad. I should be happy. I went in my room and got dressed. Autumn came upstairs in my room as I was putting my shoes on.

"Erica where are you going?"

"Crazy wanna come?" I said sarcastically.. basically telling her to leave me alone.

"No! seriously where are you going."

"I'm going out anything else you wanna know before I leave?" I said with a bit of an attitude.

"What's your problem?"

"My problem? I don't have a problem. Whats your problem?" I got my phone off of my dresser and walked out of the room. When I went downstairs the boys were still in the living room. I didn't make contact with any of them I just left the house. My phone started blowing up with texts from them.

*Love where did you go?* Louis sent.

*Hey! why did you leave?? sick of us already? (:* Niall sent.


*Where are you going?* Liam sent.

*You left already? are you coming back?* Zayn sent.

*hi where are you going?* Harry sent.

I shut off my phone without replying to any of them and went to the cafe where I was meeting my friend. I went inside to see him patiently waiting. I haven't seen him in so long.

"Andrew?" I said shocked and happy at the same time.

"ERICA! oh wow you look great it's been a long time." I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thanks Andrew. you don't look to bad yourself. so what have you been up to?"

"Nothing really to be honest. there is nothing to do. Just glad to see an old friend." I smiled like an idiot. I was so glad to see him.

-20 minutes later-

The "date" was over and I was on my way back to the house. I didn't care if they were going to over react I can do why I want. why do they care?

I walked in the house and Louis came over and gave me a big hug.

"What was that for?"

"You were gone a long time we all thought you left and you never answered our texts."

"Oh no I didn't leave.. and I didn't respond because I needed to get my mind off of certain things.. but I also met up with my old friend Andrew."

"who's Andrew?" I heard but it wasn't Louis. it was Harry. why does he even care? he goes on dyes with worthless bitches!

"Why do you care?" Was all I said and I walked upstairs. Autumn was in her room and when he saw me she looked pissed and gave me a dirty look. Oh well. I don't care. I can easily make her dream come true if she wants to act like that...

WHOAAA!!! hahaha what did you think??? Comment vote and share!!! Goodnight loves!
~Harry's Babe

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