Why I'm Here

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While MK and I walked through the forest (MK's first time in the forest) to deliver the message Slendy gave us, I just kept looking up at the sky. I was mostly thinking about what Slendy told me, about MK and why she was here. It is similar to the reason why I am here. Slendy told me not to tell MK, and ill try not to,but i hurt inside to not tell her. But before i tell you what Slendy told me about MK I will tell you my story, hopefully you can guess what it is before I tell you.

Last year, over the summer I was walking with my friend in the city. "Nicko have you heard of the random murders and kidnappings lately?" asked my good friend Alex. " How could I not, they're all over the news." I responded.

"I know, but have you noticed anything weird about them?"

"Like what?"

"That the killer kills the parents and siblings of random teens."

"Maybe the killer likes kidnapping teenagers."

"That's what I thought, but then sometimes he even killed the teen's other....."

Ring, Ring My phone rang.

"Well I got to go home, I'm cooking tonight." I said.

"Is that why you have that turkey?" Alex responded.

"Yes, see ya tomorrow. Oh, and don't forget to finish the science project."

"I won't.... Hopefully."

As I walk home, I study my notes for math. Then I bumped into this weird guy.
"Oh, sorry sir." I say.

"Oh I have never felt anyone like you before. Your an interesting one." the weird man responded.

"Uh o...k.... well.. Uh.. I will be off now." I said as a walked away.

I got home and unpacked the food and got on the stove and started cooking. After about an hour I was done cooking. After my family ate dinner, I went to my room and went to bed.

Then it happened. I heard my parents screaming and then nothing.

"Come out, come out, where ever you are." said a familiar voice.

The guy that I ran into on the street was here, but why?

"Demon, find the boy and bring him to me, he will be a good asset for my army."

"Yes,Lord Zalgo." said a deep voice.

I only had one other option, jump out the Window, and that's what u did. Then I ran as fast as humanly possible. I know the creature was following me because I heard its footsteps as it chased me.

Then out of nowhere a tall man appeared. Then the creature stopped.

"Get out of the way Slenderman this doesn't involve you!" said Zalgo.

"Actually, this does. You have broken the code for the last time. As a purifier of Earth, I will stop you." Slenderman responded as one of his tentacles went in for the attack.

Zalgo avoids the attack but the creatur wasn't fast enough.

"That stupid demon. Well we'll have to finish this another time Slendy. Bye bye." said Zalgo as he jumped through a portal he opened.
"What was that?!" I said as I looked up at slenderman.

"That was Zalgo. I can see why he was after you." he responded as he looked down to me.

"I will explain later just follow me."

"No way! Stranger danger!"

"Or stay here and have another demon come after you. Your choice."

"Fine, but only because I don't to have to run from one again."

Well that's this chapter (which I could probably have worded better) but if you liked leave a like and comment. And go check out MicMouse123 (or MK)

Thank you

Life With The Creepy Pasta: Nicko The Messanger Where stories live. Discover now