Chapter 1

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The crowd all watched in awe as Kousei's hands danced across the keys of the piano. This was it! His big chance! The outcome of this performance would decide where he would go to high school and whether or not he would go to Europe. However neither of these were what he was thinking about. He couldn't stop thinking about... her...

He had wanted to skip the contest and stay with Kaori while she was in surgery but she had insisted on him using the time to practice before the performance. The surgery had been scheduled for five hours ago but he hadn't heard if it had been successful or not.

Kousei continued beating out the notes exactly how they were written on a score. This was a contest after all. As he played his thoughts drifted to that April morning so long ago. As he gazed up at her playing the melodica his entire monotone world burst into color. A tear slipped down his cheek.

Thoughts started drifting through his head. 'What if she didn't make it?' 'Will I still be able to play piano after I lose another person I held dear?' 'Will I still remember her when she's gone?' 'Will my song reach her?' As thoughts kept coming and going the notes slowly started to fade off the page and his playing started to dampen. His playing was starting to speed up when all of a sudden... the strike of a violin filled the concert hall.

Up in the balcony where the ghost of his mother had haunted his thoughts for so long Kousei saw her. Her parents stood behind her as she sat smiling in a wheel chair. She had her violin raised up and soon joined into the song playing in time with Kousei. Like fireworks in the sky the concert hall burst to life with color. The Kousei Arima through the score to the wind and played with his heart. You want a song in 4/4? Forget it! He's playing it in ¾! Kaori kept perfectly in time with him.

The audience was in awe while the judges were fuming. Well... one of them was at least. The rest were loving the performance. Who said pianists couldn't have an accompanist for a change?! In their hearts they all knew who would be placing first.

The crowd waited silently in awe as Kousei got up from the bench and walked to center stage. He bowed and at first there was just scattered applause. Then all of a sudden the crowd roared with clapping, yelling, whistling, and anything else you could think of. Kousei smiled as a single tear dripped from under his glasses.

(A/N - hey guys! :) I really hope you've liked this so far! The video up is the English translation on the first op of Your Lie in April.)

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