Final Serenity

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Oh yes, here we are again. Intertwined with the love and spirit of formal art given through the inspiration of human fanality. Subdued from minds quick to tranquilizing solitude, who else but they to create such words of mesmerizing serenity outlined and fitted to be the discription of elements above human desires. Making it possible to even breath the very essence of character amongst a crowd dipped in closure. As reckoning surpasses by, we stand sheered and non-shaken revered to nothing as well by nothing but to live purely secretively inbound in a livelyhood unaccepted yet pouched by the wiltered heart and defiled mind. Abiding into the shadows, lives taken from one another only to share the difference of opposing motives. Separating ourselves from the constant distruction from our sight seen to be the main practice for the disappointing. Like the fall leaves, we limit us to be invisible to the narrow and those of appearance lust known to be lustful of sight. Making us those founded in between the time of late and early, as far as short livings go. Only to be deprived of freedom than of speech for they come to take it nefariously, we remain loud with silence. But even as so, we pay the dues with knowledge of not having ownership of ourselves and neither our transgrettions or transgretters for which the knowledge that bistows us with factuality promises us to return home once again. Hearing the voices of familia, they quote "I missed you" "welcome back" "welcome home" tears of the newly enamered truly to with hold jollity and up most ecstacy admitted for one and all to come. Come and uplift and live our final serenity.

One last time....

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