Where Doth the Tare Lie?

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Where doth the tare lie?
For in its moment it felt true
To its nature, it abideth in me and in my naivety, I have pardoned its way
To define one who has yet seen reflection
Befall on my knees, for each tear is not shed in vain
Am I just, to believe
May I feel, what is pleasing
Against the falsehood that be on which end
I ask
Where doth the tare lie?
And in it, rests what dwellings?
A division, segregated amongst the shadows of its forgotten
It wrenches the heart to even glare
For once it smiles
What am I to do?
Is it inevitably deserved
For no eye has seen
Nor hand touched
Nay, hath one so forsaw its arrival
Yet my fear was no lie
Has it been so long
And at long last, I see no tilt
For it is as it was and to be for moments long?
As moments fall far
And become such more than hoped for
But here I stand
Where doth the tare lie?
Between what becomes of me, before all is put away
For blinded are they
But silent I be
In all sake of what cannot be
What must I say
For what I seek
In their favor
Has it been the time that I dread so indescribably
For each waking moment, might I truly live
For each moment of my rest do I seek for what becomes of me
For it befell upon me
The thread that be
To which it asks me
Where doth the tare lie...

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