Chapter 1

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Searching in Nightmares

Chapter 1

A gentle twilight breeze brushed her long silver hair behind her shoulders as she stood atop one of the tallest trees in Makai. The smell of fresh spilled blood flowed up to her nose as she took a deep breath. Ah, fresh night air and blood, the sweetly familiar smell of the demon realm; it brought a light smile to her face. Closing her eyes, she savored the sweet moment. Tonight was the night she met with a new client. Throwing the hood of her cloak over her head, she disappeared from tree top appearing soundlessly on the ground making her way to the small village nearby.

She pushed open the door to the local tavern in the rough village. Music and small talk filled her ears as she made her way to the bar. "What can I gettcha'?" The scalpel, lizard-like bartender asked scanning over the girl's small figure.

"Bourbon, on the rocks." Her voice held no emotion and sent a slight chill down the bar keeps scales. She jabbed her drinking after throwing down some cash and walked confidently to the back corner of the bar. The girl lifted her head finally showing her eyes locking them with the lone demon. He looked relatively human, besides the line on horns over his forehead and cheekbones.

"Enyo?" He asked with a slight glare.

The girl smirked faintly, and her crystal light blue eyes seemed to dance with faint purple hues in the low lighting of the bar. "Yes." The horned demon slid Enyo an enclosed envelope. She ripped the top open with her sharp nails and scanned over the documents inside. Glancing up at the man, her blue eyes glared at him before smacking the papers on the table. "Where's the cash?" He stared at her for a moment, like he was debating on what to do. Then tossed a stack of cash on the counter. Enyo slid her fingers across to top, counting the pile of cash quickly. "This is only a fourth of it..."

"The rest will be delivered when the job is done." Enyo gave the man another quick glance before downing the rest of her bourbon, grabbing the envelope with the money and exiting the small run down building.

Meanwhile in the Spirit World...

"Koenma Sir!" An ogre barged into the toddler's office waving a file in the air. "We have a problem!" The maroon colored ogre handed the file off to the Prince as he quickly scanned over the papers inside.

Koenma's brows bunched closer together with worry. "Get Botan now!"

Meanwhile back in Demon World...

She stood at the edge of a tall cliff scanning over the documents in her hand one last time before setting them ablaze with her bare hand, making sure she left no trace of the arrangement. Enyo held the palm of her hand out over the edge and concentrated. A blue spiral portal formed in front of her and she stepped through.

Landing atop a large building she over looked her new scenery. It was a busy town with building stretching to the skies, people looking like ants down below aimlessly running about and the smells of odd foods, nasty gases and garbage. Oh how she hated the cities in the human realm. Why would you want to live in this hell??

Enyo bounced effortlessly to and from the tall buildings looking for the one that was shown to her in the photographs from the envelope. Finally finding her target, she waited patiently calculating the perfect time to strike.

Back in the Spirit World...

"Are you serious you stupid toddler?! We just got back from the fucking Dark Tournament! You can't even give us a break?!" The detective shouted while entering Koenma's office with Botan close on his heels.

"Urameshi! I don't have time to fight with you! The other will be here soon and I'll explain everything then." Yusuke huffed and plopped in a chair in front of Koenma's desk. About 10 minutes later Kurama and Hiei walked in followed by Kuwabara a few minutes after. "Good we can begin."Koenma sat up straighter in his chair placing his hands on his desk. "I called you all here because I just got word that a very high level demon is about to enter the human word."

"What!? I thought you had like... fences that keep them out or something??" Kuwabara's idiotic voice rang through the room.

"Yes, we do. But I'm afraid this demon can create portals themselves."

"Can create portals? There aren't that many demons that can do that, and even the ones that can it takes a lot of time and energy." Kurama thought out loud to the group.

"Yes that's usually the case, but with this one... I don't think that's it... We believe this demon is one of the most wanted thieves and assassins. We must stop this demon at all cost." Koenma said, slamming his tiny fist on his desk.

"Okay so who is it?" Yusuke ask and the room fell silent. The detective closed his eyes as the side of his forehead twitched slightly. "You mean to tell me you don't even know anything about this demon?!"

Koenma shrunk down in size, hiding his face from the others. "Well we don't really know much... but one of our agents thinks they finally found out a name. Enyo, but they don't know for sure." Hiei's eyes finally turned to the conversation.

"Just a name? Well that's not very helpful..." Kuwabara added.

"Well if this demon is in the Human World we should be able to detect where Enyo is." Kurama chimed in.

"Unless this demon can hide their energy..." Yusuke said not really helping the situation.

"Just get out there and try to find this demon before any humans get killed!" Koenma shouted leaving the guys tend to the crisis.

Back in Human World...

Enyo watched the man from the skyscraper across the street. He was a busy business man, having several meetings, people in and out of his office, and phone calls in-between it all. There was no way she could have slipped in, kill him and escape without someone noticing something. Plus she didn't know anything about the security system set up. She mentally sighed to herself. This is going to take a little bit longer than what she thought; no wonder it was a half a million bounty.

A large spike in spirit energy popped up about 12 blocks away caught her attention. Glaring in the direction, she knew that it was Koenma's goons. Unmasking her energy she took off leaving her target; if they figured out who her target was they could set a trap for her and she didn't want to risk that. She wanted to know exactly who she was dealing with. Enyo felt the energies race after her when she finally stopped inside an abandoned parking garage. Three people showed up walking cautiously towards her. Enyo stood there, unmoving; There's one more...She thought to herself. Behind. There was one more, watching from afar, ready to strike if need be.

"Enyo! We know that's you!" One of the boys shouted at the girl, still not moving an inch.  

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