Chapter 4

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Searching in Nightmares

Chapter 4

"Seriously?! You're not going to say a damn thing?!" Enyo finally yelled out to the unexpected fire demon. He held his surprise in as he stared back at the young girl through the reflection of the window. Her impatience got the best of her as she stormed up the stairs to her new bedroom.

With Hiei...

Stupid girl... He thought after Enyo stormed up the stairs. Hiei tried to push the event out of his head but as he tried he only glared harder at his reflection in the window. The fire demon finally sough, jumped up from the window sill and headed up the stairs to his room.

With Enyo...

After entering her room with a huff, she headed straight to her balcony. Some fresh air should help cool her off.

"I can't believe him. After everything that has happened between us... I would have thought he'd be happy to see me again... Or at least care..." Enyo thought out loud to herself. She sighed and looked up at the darken sky. It was getting late and all the sudden the long day finally hit Enyo and she yawned. Walking back into the room, she slipped into her bed and shut the lamp on the nightstand off, falling into deep sleep.

In Enyo's Dream...

The forest floor was covered in pure white snow that shimmered in the full moon's light. A younger looking version of Enyo was leisurely jumping from tree branch to tree branch looking for something exciting to do. She finally got a whiff of freshly spilled blood and decided to check it out. She stopped atop a high branch and looked down at the scene below her.

It was an appalling image... There were dismembered bodies and blood splattered everywhere. Blooded and torn off legs, arms, torsos, and heads laid everywhere. It was like nothing she'd ever seen before, and it slightly excited her. Finally something interesting happening! At last she finally saw the person responsible for the wreckage; it was a young demon who stood not much taller than her with spiky black hair and his black cloak blew around him from the gentle night breeze. The young man shook for a second before falling to his knees. He must have been exhausted or injured...

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a vile demon running at the boy, ready to deliver the final blow. But Enyo, using her special powers, manipulated the snow on the ground and froze the demon in his tracks. The ugly demon tired frantically to free his legs from the ice as Enyo jumped down from her tree branch.

"How weak...Trying to strike a foe with their back turned," she said circling the demon who was still trying to free himself.

"Who the hell are you, girl?!" He yelled.

"Doesn't matter. You're already dead." She replied back as the demon burst into flames. Enyo the slowly approached the young injured demon; he still held him katana tightly in his hand and Enyo called out to him, "I'm not here to fight you. If I was I would've let that low level asshole kill you instead." But he still didn't let down his sword, or glare. Enyo just stood there staring at the wounded demon waiting for him to lower his weapon. After sometime he let out a painful grunt and collapsed over; Enyo waited a few moments before approaching, making sure it wasn't a trap.

She then got a better look at his wounds and she knew he wouldn't last long without her help. Enyo was able to carry the unconscious fire demon to her house a couple of miles away. She placed him on the couch in her small living room and went to get some towels and bandages to patch him up. Enyo removed his cloak and had to cut his shirt off to inspect the wounds on his chest and stomach. This cut is pretty bad... If this keeps going I think he'll bleed out... But I don't think a bandaging it up will stop it... Enyo thought to herself. She contemplated for a moment then closed her eyes and placed her hands over the laceration. Her hands started to glow a bright blue color and her face twisted as she concentrated. After about five minutes, Enyo fell back and sighed. She looked back at the unconscious demon's stomach and lightly smiled at her handy work. The only way anyone could tell there was a cut there was from all the dried blood all over him. The young girl leaned back against her coffee table and closed her eyes. She used way too much energy... she really needed to work on her healing skills...

Then suddenly she felt the press of cold steel against her neck and her eyes snapped open. Piercing crimson eyes glared back at her as he pushed the sword deeper into her neck, cutting the first few layers of skin just enough to draw some blood.

"Who the hell are you?" His deep voice rang through her ears.

Why in the hell did I leave his katana so close to the couch...? Enyo thought mentally slapping herself---

End of Dream...

Enyo's eyes broken open only to be forced back closed from the blinding light of the early morning sun. God damn it...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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