Chapter 2

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Searching in Nightmares

Chapter 2

"Enyo! We know that's you!" One of the boys shouted at the girl, still not moving an inch. The small figured girl stood there and smirked under the hood of her cloak.

"What does Koenma want?" She bellowed back at the three guys, her voice echoing in the vacant parking garage.

"To stop you! We know you're here to kill someone!" The boy with slick back black hair and a green jumpsuit answered.

"Koenma knows not to meddle in my missions..." Enyo whispered to herself. She looked back at the boys, and could still sense another energy nearby, watching and waiting. She contemplated for a moment... I don't have the time for this. She thought to herself. Within a blink of an eye she disappeared from the parking garage leaving the three men baffled. Enyo reappeared on top of a building about a block away; just as her feet hit the cool ground atop another tall building, she could feel the lone energy of whoever was watching coming straight for her at a fast pace. Smirking to herself, Enyo took off; a good game of cat and mouse would entertain her.

Enyo and her unknown assailant raced across the cities buildings, she was surprised that her chaser was able to keep up. She pushed a little harder to bring a gap between the two of them before she came to a dead stop. The hood of her cloak flew back from the high winds from atop the skyscraper as she held out here hand, facing her palm out and started to create another portal. Enyo stood at the edge of the lanky building as the portal slowly began to fully open just below the edge. She heard the footsteps of the assailant approach; as she quickly spun her eyes met with his deep crimson ones. The man standing before her was slightly taller than her, gravity deifying jet black hair with a white star burst in the middle and a black cloak with a white scarf.

Enyo eyes read shocked and confused all at once and the red eyed man's read the same, but before anything could be said she stepped backwards off the building and into the portal she had just summoned below.

With Hiei...

The girl that the fire demon had chased over half the human city finally stopped. He thought maybe she was ready to finally fight...or give up. When Hiei came to a halt there stood a silver/white haired girl with crystal blue eyes, she wore a tight red tank top that showed off some skin, skintight black shorts, shin high fighting boots and an open cloak similar to his. He knew it was her, it was Enyo, but seeing her in person was still shocking. Both of their eyes lock, it felt like an eternity until suddenly she stepped backwards, falling off the edge.

No. He thought rushing over to where the girl once was, thinking she was plummeting towards the cold concrete below. But instead he saw the swirling blue portal snap shut. Hiei glared daggers at where the portal once sat and raced off to meet back up with his teammates.

With Enyo...

Enyo's portal dropped her off in the middle of an office. There were ogres running about, too and from, shouting at one another and papers flying. She felt as if they didn't even notice her, which was probably for the best. She quickly marched towards the large doors to the back of the room, determination in her eyes ready to give the toddler prince hell.

Bursting the heavy double doors open, she stormed in. Koenma nearly jumped out of his chair and the look of fear covered his face.


"Koenma! What in the hell do you think you are doing?!" Enyo fumed slamming her fist down on his desk, making the large stacks of paper cave in scattering all over the toddlers desk and floor.

"Enyo! You can't just go around killing humans! You know that's not allowed!" Koenma screamed at her trying not to let the fear show in his voice, but failed miserably.

"You've never had a problem with it before..."Enyo commented giving him a certain look.

"What other- What?!" The baby freaked almost losing the pacifier from his lips. This made Enyo smirk. "Enyo! I should put you behind bars!!"

"But you won't. You know what I do. I don't kill anyone that doesn't deserve it. Human or Demon, I don't care. So why the hell did you send your goons to stop me?" Enyo snapped at him while crossing her arms.

"I never knew you went after humans, and I wasn't even completely sure who the demon was going into the Human World...But you're not supposed to kill humans!!!" Enyo just rolled her eyes at Koenma's outburst and the baby sighed, "I need to do something with you..."

"What?! The hell you are!" Enyo protested.

"If my father finds out I let you go unpunished do you know what he'd do to me?!"

"Frankly, I don't really care." She said looking away from Koenma, annoyed. Koenma, with an aggravated look on his face he put his head in his tiny hands trying to think.

"Botan! Find Yusuke and the team!" Koenma finally shouted after about five minutes of silence. Enyo stood there glaring at the baby.

"You're fucking joking...right?"

About an hour later...

"What not pacifier brea-" Yusuke storm was cut short when he saw Enyo standing off to the side of the baby's desk, her arms crossed, glaring off at nothing and a sour look on her face. "What the hell?!"But before Koenma could explain Yusuke continued his rant, "You mean you made us run around like a bunch of idiots looking for this girl and all we had to do is tell her you were looking for her and she came straight to you?! Why couldn't you have someone else play messenger!??!"

Koenma gripped the bridge of his nose between this thumb and index finger, "I didn't know for sure it was Enyo." At the sound of her name, Enyo was brought out of her glaring space out and looked over at Yusuke and the other three guys.

"Seriously?!!?" Kuwabara's annoying voice rang through the room making Enyo cringe.

"I have made a deal with Enyo." Koenma said cutting right to the chase, obviously annoyed where this conversation was going, and it caught everyone attention. "For her entering the Human World without permission, and attempting to murder a human I have made a deal that if she joined the team and helped with some missions then, whenever I see fit, she'll be free to return to her life in the Demon World." The room fell silence for a minute...

"You mean we're going to have a little girl on the team now??" Kuwabara asked with his usual dumbfounded look.

"Watch yourself you babbling buffoon." Enyo replied back with a glare, causing Yusuke and Kurama to snicker and Hiei to smirk slightly.

"Well go on! Introduce yourselves and take her back to the house, show her your room. Just get out of my office." Koenma said while trying to straighten up the massive pile of paper work on his desk.

Kurama was the first to introduce himself, "Hello, I'm Kurama, Shuichi Minamino in the Human World. It's nice to meet you." He smiled at Enyo and shook her hand.

"Enyo Miyako."

"I'm Kazuma Kuwabara! But you can just call me Kuwabara!" He said with a big goofy grin.

"Hey I'm Yusuke Uramershi" There was a moment of silence as everyone waited for Hiei to say some.

"And that's Hiei. Don't worry he'll warm up to you." Kurama said with his warm smile, finally breaking the silence.

"Right..." Enyo muttered under her breath but she knew Hiei heard it from the glare she sent her.

"Ok good. Now you all can go." Koenma said sending all of the team on its way.

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