Study Buddies - Yukine x Regalia!Reader (1/2)

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"Revert Yomuha." Bishamon commanded you. With a flash, you stood before her in a simple white robe.

You took in your surroundings. There were a few other people of varying ages surrounding you. A pink-haired girl, about your age was looking down at her feet. Two children stood in front of an older man who slightly reminded you of a lion. Next to Bishamon stood a brown-haired boy with glasses, and a few others.

"Everyone, this is Yomuha. Do what you can to make her feel welcome. Kazuma, if you would, please show her around."

"Of course, Veena." The boy with glasses, Kazuma, replied, nodding his head.

"Thank you, Kazuma. That is all." Bishamon turned on her heel and strode down the hall. The small crowd dispersed around you, and you watched them walk away.

"Yomuha, would you like me to show you around?" Kazuma asked, delicately placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah, that'd be great."

Kazuma explained that you were now a regalia of the goddess Bishamon. Whenever she called your name, you were to transform into your weapon form. Kazuma also explained how Bishamon was kind to every one of her regalia, despite her being the god of war.

"I see.. So, there are other gods with regalia?" You asked, your voice mixed with the echoing of your footsteps on the stone floor of a hallway.

"That's right. In fact, there's one regalia in particular that comes here regularly. His name is Yukine, regalia of the Yato god."

"Never heard of a 'Yato'"

"Most haven't."


A moment of quiet disrupted the conversation.

"You know, Yomuha, I think Yukine might be a good friend for you. You'll find that it can sometimes be.. Difficult.. To make friends, since you're just a spirit. Yukine knows this, and maybe you two could, you know... Get along." Kazuma suggested.

Yukine did sound nice, and apparently he was a blessed vessel like Kazuma. Kazuma decided to introduce you to Yukine the next time he came for a lesson.

While it had only been a few hours since you had first been called by Bishamon, you were exhausted. Kazuma took notice of your fatigue, and showed you to your room.

Your room was big, homely, and had a large, canopy bed. You changed into a nightgown that had been laid out for you, and crawled under the sheets.

'I wonder what he's like, this Yukine guy. Is he nice? Is he cool? Is he cute?' You created a mental image of Yukine. You pictured him a lot like a glasses-less Kazuma, but with blue eyes and a more muscular figure.

You smiled to yourself as you rolled onto your side. A little sigh escaped your body. You closed your eyes, eager to sleep, but more eager to meet your mentally-concocted Yukine.

There it is, the long awaited Yukine x Reader! Well, half of it. One of the comments last chapter suggested a Yato/Hiyori/Reader love triangle, and I think I'll give it a go. That could be very fun.

Also, as I said before, your Regalia name will always be Yomu, which means "reader" since, ya know, Regalia can't exactly go by their birth name.

That is all, catch you next chapter. See ya!

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