Homeless - Milord x Cat!Reader

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You swiveled your scarred ears in the direction of the sound. You had been napping on a stone wall, until strange noises pricked your ears. It sounded like another cat.

Being a stray cat, living on the streets of Japan, you had come across many other cats before. However, because the felines you met were also strays, fighting was common.

You slid out your claws, tensing up. The fur on your back rose, slightly. You prepared for another fight. Your opponent scrambled out from behind a garbage can.

He was small, and nearly as round as a baseball. A circular black splotch was centered on his back. His black and white tail had a strange poofball at the tip.

He seemed well fed, and certainly not used to living on the streets. The little creature wasn't a threat. You relaxed a little, resting back on your haunches.

The lost kitten scampered up to your wall, mewling playfully. He raised his tufted tail and scratched at the wall. He could only stare up at you, since he was far too tiny to jump up to your level.

You blinked, uninterested. Why waste energy playing with that sorry excuse of a cat, when you could be napping?

You shifted around until you were in a comfortable position. Letting your long tail droop over the wall, and setting your chin on your paws, you went to sleep.


You growled and turned your head. That kitten was being such a pain. All you wanted was to get a good nap, but no! A house cat had to go and wake you up! A house cat!

Shouldn't he be in a big house, eating prime steak and sleeping on a bed made of mouse fur? Getting hugs by smiling children and playing with one of those jingly feather things on a string?

You exhaled loudly, your nose whistling a little. House cat, pfft.

You scrunched your eyes shut only to open them back up when tiny fangs pierced your tail. You stood up and hissed at that walking hairball. Now you were grumpy. Really grumpy.

Just as you were about to smack him, he turned tail and ran. You weren't letting him get away so easily. You chased after the small cat, eager to teach him a lesson.

He stopped, causing you to crash into him. The little tomcat tumbled onto some wooden stairs, and landed sloppily on a porch.

The door clicked open, and a young boy poked his head out. You instantly scrambled into some bushes. The human looked down, and gasped when he saw the kitten.

"Milord! You came back!"

So that's what he's called. 'Milord' Stupid humans, naming cats something like that.

'Milord' purred and rubbed his face against the boy's face. You narrowed your eyes at the sight. Milord seemed to notice and wriggled out of the humans arms and plopped on the ground. He scampered over towards you, getting the human boy to follow.

Ugh. Great. Now the human was going to pester you too! You flattened down, so neither would see you. You failed horribly. Milord pranced around you, before the human picked you up.

You started to squirm, but to no avail. The human nuzzled you and hugged you.

"Aww! Mom! Look! Look! Milord has a girlfriend!"

A what? What did he just call you? You wanted nothing to do with that runt.

"Can we keep her? Pleeeeaaase?"

Before you knew it, you were laying on a pink pillow in front of a warm radiator. A little pink bow was tied around you neck.


Milord sat in front of you, his dark, sparkly eyes looking up to you.

You yawned and gave him a quick lick on the head. You shifted your gaze to a feather on a string, dancing in front of you, making annoyingly pretty jingles. You pawed at it contentedly, as Milord scampered in circles around you.

It wasn't steak and mouse fur pillows, but it was pretty good. The kid was nice, a little too nice at times. Milord was as friendly and strange as ever. You, well.. You were off the streets and given a name. 'Milady'

Who knew that a lost kitten would get you the life you've dreamed of.

Milord and Milady

Next up: Ebisu

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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