Part 1

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This is part one in your adventure with Laxus Dreyar.  Enjoy.  😄

PS. I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters.  I also do not own any of the pictures on here.


Laxus's POV

After that faithful day, that I took (y/n) on her first mission as a Fairy Tail member, she and I have become really close. She stays the night at my house all the time since I won't let her get a crappy apartment when she could stay in a clean and fancy place like mine.

At the moment, we were at the guild hall having dinner with Bixlow, Freed, and Evergreen.  (y/n) sat next to me as she ate her (favorite meal). She was so cute, but I think she only sees me as a friend. I don't blame her. I mean, who would want to date an asshole like me? I put all the Fairy Tail members in a tough position and made them fight each other. I was such an ass, I still can't believe that they still allow me to be apart of the guild after what I had done to them. 

Once we all finished, (y/n) yawned and leaned her head on my shoulder. "Laxus, do you mind that I go back to your place and take a nap?" I looked at her and looked into those beautiful, sparkling (e/c) eyes. I could feel my face heat up so I looked away so she wouldn't notice. "It's your home too." There was silence so I turned to look at her and see a smile on her face. What happened next shocked me. She hugged me tightly and when she pulled away and kissed my cheek. I could feel my face heat up,

Bixlow and Evergreen started laughing. I gave them a deadly glare but it didn't seem to stop them from laughing their asses off. (Y/n) stood and said, "I am gonna go look at the mission board and maybe we could go on a mission tomorrow." She then walked away to the mission board. Once she was out of hearing range, Evergreen, Bixlow, and Freed turned to me and had smirks written all over their faces. "So Laxus... How's your love life with (y/n)?" Evergreen asks. I look at her with angry eyes. "I don't know what you are talking about?" They all looked at me with unamused faces. "Come on, you two are dating. I mean, what was that all about?" 

"I don't know what you are talking about. "(y/n) and aren't dating!" I growled at the three and they all dropped the subject. "So do you want anything to drink before we head out and go home for the night?" I said no and stood up and headed home with (y/n) right by my side. 

Silence ensued as we walked to our house. (y/n) was walking, skipping, and hopping. She looked so adorable while acting like a little girl. She had a huge smile on her face as she skipped down the sidewalk. She was so happy and that made me happy.

Once we arrived at our house, (y/n) ran in and jumped on the couch and rolled up in a blanket. I just watched her and chuckled lightly. "What are you laughing at, you blonde porcupine?" I couldn't help but laugh at the nickname she gave me. She was just way to cute for her own good.

"You are adorable." Did I just say that out loud!? I could feel my face heat up. I looked at (y/n) to see her reaction to my stupid sentence. She had a dark red blush spread across her cheeks. She seemed to be deep in thought. 

(y/n) stood up and walked over to me and reached for my hands. She held onto my hands tightly. Her hands were so small and tiny compared to my larger ones. Her hands were so soft, like a cloud. "Laxus?" Her voice shook me through my thoughts. "Yes?" She looked down at my hands. "I-I think I am i-in l-l-love with y-you." She was so quite but her words rang out through my mind. She loves me? She loves me!! In my mind, I was jumping for joy. 

I pulled my hands away from hers. I cupped her face in my hands and leaned in to kiss her on the lips. Her lips were so soft and plump. It was like I was kissing an angel. She instantly returned the kiss which made me ecstatic. After two minutes, we both pulled away. I caressed her cheeks with my thumbs. "I love you, (y/n)." She smiled and quickly pecked my lips. "You have made me so happy, Laxus." 

I looked in her beautiful (e/c) eyes and stupidly asked, "So does this mean you are my girlfriend now?" She nodded her head and said, "Of course." I picked her up bridal style and took her over to the couch and laid down with her on top of me. Her head laid on my chest. I hope she can't hear how fast my heart is beating.

"I love you, Laxus." That was the last thing she said before falling asleep on top of my chest. "I love you too, (y/n)," and with that I fell asleep peacefully.  

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