Part 2

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Laxus POV

I was sitting at the bar per usual, listening to Natsu and Gray fight like childern. Gray punched Natsu in the face and he stumbled back right into Gajeel. So Gajeel joined in and soon the whole guild started to join in, with the exception of a few people.

(Y/N) opened the doors to the guild hall when a table was sent flying in her direction. I instantly jumped up from my seat and was infront of her in the blink of an eye. The table was now in bits and pieces. (Y/N) had closed her eyes and when she opened them I was there.

"Laxus!!" (Y/N) looked at me with awe.  She looked so beautiful  in that moment. Her eyes glowed like gems,  her hair swayed in the wind, her lips slightly open, all of them made me love her. Wait she could've gotten hurt. I turned around towards her and put both of my hands on her shoulders.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright!?" I asked frantically. She just giggled and nodded her head with a cute smile on her face. I smiled knowing that she was just fine. I cupped her cheek in my hand and caressed it with my thumb. She soon leaned into my hand. "If you will excuse me, babe. I gotta kick some ass." She just giggled and replied, "Have fun." I then kicked Gray's, Natsu's, and Gajeel's ass.

Once I returned to my seat at the bar, (Y/N) was sitting there waiting for me.  I sat down next to her and we talked for the rest of the day. We drank beer, laughed with each other, and we had a good time together. It was like there was nobody else in the world just me and (Y/N). That's what I loved about  her.  We could have long talks about anything we wanted and neither one of us would judge because we love each other. It was always fun to find out something new about her and I am pretty sure she felt the same way about me.

It was getting late by the time we left the guild so we both headed home together. I couldn't wait to get home. (Y/N) was going to cook steak tonight!! She knows how much I love steak.

Once we got home, (Y/N) started to make the steaks out on our grill. Once she was done I had already set the table to which (Y/N) huffed and puffed about. "Laxus! You didn't have to do that!" She was so cute when she was upset. She just sighed and we began our dinner. It was so yummy! "If you keep cooking me dinner I am gonna get fat cause I can't deny your food! It's so good." All she could do was giggle.

"I hope you saved room for dessert, Laxus." (Y/N) got up and went to the oven and pulled out what looked like a cake.

She then walked over and set it down in front of me.  On the cake it said "Happy Birthday, Laxus," with a lightning bolt underneath the words.

"Happy birthday, baby." Oh my gosh! She's right! Today is my birthday! I smiled. For once I am glad I am getting older.  I want to grow old with this woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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