Burn (Hawaii x Alaska)

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Request by: in_construction

"In MY state, MY athletes can run like THE WIND! Your athletes can't do anything! Face it: Compared to me, you SUCK." Once again, Oregon was angry. I mean, ANGRY. Like.....Okay... So, imagine Poland using the Poland rule on Busby's chair while telling England that France RULED compared to him. Now, take England's anger, and multiply it by seven. That's how angry Oregon was. And when he was angry, he was a real jerk.

"Yeah, well..." Hawaii had nothing to say. She wanted to think of a comeback, no, she NEEDED a comeback. But nothing came to her mind. 'You're a jerk, Oregon.'? No, that was the WORST comeback ever. 'Do you mind?' What the heck? Who says that?

"So, you're implying, that in YOUR state, the wind has legs and so it can run?" Someone said. Hawaii looked, and next to her, Alaska was standing there, a smirk plastered on his face. "Because, dude. Just...just listen to yourself. Your athletes run like the wind, meaning, the wind runs, meaning it has legs. So, in your state, there are a bunch of legs floating around everywhere? Gosh. I feel so sorry for you. You poor thing. Wait—does your wind have arms, too?" He was practically dying of laughter at this point, and was leaning on Hawaii.

"Burn," Hawaii said, holding in her own laughter.

Oregon looked flustered. "I.....Uh....." He sighed, and buried his face into his hands. "I have nothing. Nice comeback." He sighed, walking away. While walking away, he was muttering, "Damn it, Alaska," under his breath.

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