Our rooms and the beginning of Hillbilly Days

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(Cece's P.O.V)
When I woke up,everyone else was busy getting their things out of the trunk.We were at a hotel for some odd reason."Dad,why are we at a hotel?"I asked getting my suitcase out of the trunk and shutting the door."My house is,well,really really messy and not big enough for this many people.At least we're staying here."he said.I rolled my eyes."Sure Dad sure.""Follow me."Dad said as he finished checking in.There were three rooms.One for us girls,one for the boys,and one for Dad.We got the best one.When we went in,Luna,Hay and I jumped on one bed while Lyd,RB,and Tomie jumped on the other.We unpacked and decided what beds everyone was going to sleep in.Me,Hay,and Luna in one,Tomie,Lyd and RB in the other."Cece we're ready to go!"Dad yelled."Ok!"I yelled back.We all got ready,which took like ten minutes because of RB,and met the guys downstairs.Then,we went to the carnival part of Hillbilly Days."What does everyone wanna ride first?"Dad asked."FERRIS WHEEL!!!!"everyone but me yelled.I have a little tiny fear of heights."Can we not go on that?"I asked."Why? Are you scared to go on it or something?"Tomie asked.I looked at my feet."Hey,I was just joking.You're not actually scared are you?"she asked."Yes. I have a small fear of heights."I said."You can ride with me."Garroth said.I nodded and we got in line.It was our turn to go."Ok,maybe I can't do this!"I said."You can."Garroth assured me.I kept my hands covering my eyes the whole time before the ride started.Luna and Hay were in front of us and Laurance and Adam were behind."She okay Garroth?"Laurance yelled."Yeah,she promised to take her hands off her eyes when the ride starts."he yelled back.Dang me and my promises!The ride started and I took my hands off.It wasn't so bad until we got to the top and the ride stopped."WHY THE HECK DID WE STOP!!?!?!"I yelled at Garroth."It's okay it always does this."he said."For how long?"I asked."Not for very long."he said.Then we heard someone shout from down below,"ATTENTION PASSENGERS OF THE RIDE!IT IS GOING TO BE STUCK FOR A FEW MINUTES YOU WILL BE LET DOWN IN A HALF HOUR!UNTIL THEN WE ASK YOU TO PLAESE STAY CALM!THANK YOU!" Why does the world hate me so much?

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