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(Cece's P.O.V)
Garroth had already left for the carnival with his "girlfriend" when Laurance picked me up."Ready?"he asked."Yeah."I said locking the door and running to the sidewalk where he was."No Ferris wheels this time though."I said."Yeah,don't want you getting hurt."he said.When we got there,we walked around for a bit and saw Garroth and Aph."Crap."I said."What's wrong?"Laurance asked."I was hoping I wouldn't see my brother here,but I do."I said."Why don't you want to see him?"he asked."I didn't tell him I was going with you,and him being him he'll assume we're here on a date."I told him nervously."Come on no he won't,plus he,um,knows I don't like you anyway."he said."Well,that's good to know."I said putting my hands on my hips."No no no,I mean I like you,but I don't like you like you."he assured.I took my hands off my hips and heard someone shout Laurance's name.Then he went over to Aph and Garroth and I hid behind him.They talked and then Laurance said something about Aph and Garroth being on a date and I started laughing because Aph and Garroth tried to cover it up."Who's that?"Garroth asked."No one."Laurance said.Garroth pushed him aside and saw me standing there."What's going on?"he asked."Nothing."Laurance and I both said at the same time."Sure."he said.Then I saw Hay and Luna and I told everyone I was going to go talk to her for a sec."Hey guys!"I said."Hey Cece!"they said at the same time.I shuddered it is so creepy when they do that."What are you guys doing here?"I asked."We could ask you the same thing."they said again at the same time."Laurance asked me to go with him and-"I started then they gasped and interrupted."So you're here on a date?"Luna asked."No,he asked me here as a friend.Hey you guys wanna take pictures?"I asked them."Sure."they said at the same time.I shuddered and we went to go take pictures.Someone left theirs here.I picked the strip of pictures up and immediately dropped it when I looked at the last one."What?"Hay asked."Just look at the picture."I said.She picked it up then had the same reaction."What?"Luna asked."Just look."Hay and I said at the same time."Oh my Irene."she said.I ran out of there and straight up to Aph and Laurance,followed by Luna and Hay.I just looked at them both and so did Hay and Luna."What?"Aph asked."Nothing at all."I said seeing my brother there."Cece,you can't lie very well.You look sad."Laurance said."No I'm not."I defended."Yes you are,it's written all over your face."he said.Wait,this means both my brother AND Laurance have kissed Aph.Omi."I-I just...why are you both such idiots?"I asked and ran off with Luna and Hay following me."Why are you so sad?"Hay asked when we finally stopped."I'm not sad,I'm just mad at Garroth and Laurance."I told them."No,I think you're sad because you saw the person you like kissing someone else."Luna said.Wait,is she saying that I like Laurance? I don't...anymore.He CLEARLY likes Aph,and I won't get in the way of that."No,that's not it."I told them."Well,we have to go back to our parents,they just texted me saying its time to go home.We'll see you later though."Hay said and left with Luna following."Bye."I said and just put my head in my knees on the bench I was sitting on.Ugh,I can't believe this.I can't believe I liked him when he liked one of my best friends.I hate when this sort of thing happens.Yeah,believe it or not,this has happened before.When I was in elementary school,I had a crush on Adam,RB's boyfriend.He wasn't her boyfriend at the time though.Well,one day,RB told me she liked him and I told her I liked him.She said that I should go tell him that I liked him.Well the next day I did.He said he liked someone else,and the very next day,RB and him were dating and I had to get over it.And they've dated to this very day.I got over it like a week later,but why does this always happen.I always get myself into these kinds of situations.I decided to call RB."Hello?"she answered."Hey it's Cece.I need your advice."I told her."Ok what's up?"she asked."Well,I liked this guy and I saw him kiss another girl.What do I do?"I asked her."Do you still like him?"she asked."Ugh...yes."I spit out.I didn't want to like him but I did."Then my solution is to tell him."she said."Yeah cause that worked out so well the last time I tried that."I said."Well you wanted my advice."she said."True,you know what,I'll tell him."I said."Good now I gotta go,talk later bestie."she said."Alright ciao."I said and hung up.Well,now I've gone and put myself into a worse situation.I told her I was gonna tell him.And I always do what I say.This is gonna be so bad,but I have to find him.I got off the bench and started to look for him.Where would he be?

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