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(Cece's P.O.V)
I was getting ready for my date with my friends and Dante when I decided I wanted to get there early.When I got there,I saw Kawaii~chan sitting with Dante,holding his hand.I could see them talking but I had to get closer to hear their conversation.I stepped closer and heard Kawaii~chan say she wanted to get back together with him.He said okay.I went over to where they were sitting."Hey Cece."Dante said."Hello Cece~sama!"Kawaii~chan said.I looked down and noticed Kawaii~chan had food in her hand."Hey Kawaii~chan,can I borrow that pie?"I asked her."Sure Cece~sama!"she said.I took it out of her hand and smashed it Dante's face."I'm assuming you heard our conversation."he said."No,I just wanted to smash a pie in my boyfriend's face for no reason,of course I did!"I said and stormed out.Why does every person I get interested in like someone else?

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