Chapter 6

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(A/N: Trigger Warning because of the use of guns, decided to say TW in the beginning of this because better safe than sorry)

After mini golf, we decided to go back to my house after that. The whole time consisted of Lauren constantly staring Keana down whenever she flirted with me.

God...I was glad to be home once again...and being at a place where Dinah is, comforts me a lot knowing she's been by my side since forever. we were here in the living room, getting settled. Dinah was currently in another room where we kept all our stuff we worked on.

"I'll be back, I'm going to go get Dinah." I smiled and the others nodded.

"Be back soon, babe." Keana smirked and I awkwardly nodded and flashed her a smile. I looked over at Lauren who I noticed had balled her fists up.

I winked at her and noticed her loosen up, releasing her balled up hands, smiling at me.

I walked over to the end of the hallway and went to the room, knocking.

"Uh, who is it?" Dinah called out.

"Hello, it's meeee." I sang out and the door flung open.

"Ah, you're back, Mila!" Dinah grinned and I smiled before putting each hand on her shoulder.

"I have some company over, by the way." I softly said and Dinah raised an eyebrow.

"Ok and?"

"And it's Lauren, her friend Keana, and uh...Normani." I smiled and she groaned.

"You're fucking kidding me, Mila. You know what avoiding means right? Trying not to bump into the person you don't want to see!" Dinah whispered loudly.

"I'm sorry, cheech. I just thought- I thought you guys could talk." I frowned and Dinah let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry for bursting out like that. Thank you, Mila." Dinah grinned and pulled me into a hug.

"And who's Keana?" Dinah asked as I rolled my eyes.

"She's been flirting with me this whole time, it was weird." I told Dinah.

"Well what the fuck, Keana? You flirting with her isn't part of the fucking plan!" Dinah and I heard Lauren's voice shout.

"What was--"

"Shush." I quickly said interrupting Dinah before trying to listen in.

"Lo, quiet down." I heard Normani vaguely say. I could hear them but it was so distant.

"All I'm doing is helping you the fuck out, Lauren. Chill." Keana said in a soft tone.

"So, what? I'll do the flirting and you can snoop around or whatever you need to do! Just don't fucking flirt with her and I'll chill." Lauren retorted.

Snoop around? Wait...what? I looked at Dinah and her face looked confused as well.

"Okay, then. It's set, Laur. Do you like her or something? If not, then who peed in your damn Cheerios this morning?" Keana questioned.

I didn't get to hear what Lauren said because Dinah pulled me into the room, carefully closing it making sure that it didn't make much sound.

"What are we going to do?" Dinah asked.

"They can't find this room." She added.

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