Maria high school

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Erens POV (age 18)😏
Ahhhh mikasa calm your fucking demons I'm coming geez you crazy bitch.
Yep got it I yelled getting dressed and clothed instantly and zoomed down the stairs.
I was ready in no time I dont know why I could move so fast but my mum just says I'm special.
Have a great first day at your new school kids.
Yeah yeah.
Oh and eren if people dislike you don't let them get ya down sweety okay.
Sure mum?
Why did she say that like she's knows People will hate me.
We walked in silence for about twenty minutes till we reached armins house our old childhood friend.
We saw him up the road and we haven't seen each other for 6 years.
I glanced at mikasa and she nodded.
We both ran up to him tackling him in a massive hug.
ARMIN!!! We screeched an poor armin just yelped rape!
He pushed us off him and gaved us a huge scared look but it faded in two seconds an his face turned bright.
EREN MIKASA is that really you oh my fucking god how long has it been.
Wow eren you have changed you look like a punk armin laughed I laughed along and said armin you look like a thug.
Armin jumped backwards with his sunnies on and put a siggi between his lips yelling I CHOSE THUG LIFE THUG LIFE CHOSE ME!!
I laughed so hard I think my mouth hurts.
Lol common let's get to this new shutty school.
Hey armin what's this crap school like...
It's pretty cool but there are some guys that are jerks oh and don't piss Jean off he has a temper.
Hehehe sure armin sure I thought in my head.
Mikasa just rolled her eyes.
Armin and mikasa went too there classes while I strolled the halls to get my time table.
Ah you must be jäeger eren jäeger right.
I groaned saying just call me eren lady I snapped playing with my ring on my finger.
Uhhh ok well your first class is english go now chop chop.
I made a tsk noise and left hearing her mumble about something like great we have 2 punks in the school.
Heh I'm not the only one then.
I smashed the door open wide banging it a little and the teacher glanced at me in shock an then raised a brow.
I heard giggling probably from dam FANGIRLS and then a cough.
I look to the teacher and glare at him.
Are you eren jaeger he mumbled under his breath.
I just said yep and walked to the seat next to armin.
Aren't you gonna introduce your self to the class.
I walked up to the front again and said.
Names eren.
I left and sat next to armin.
I nudged him shoulder with my fist and he laughed but was interrupted by a blond tall ass dick head.
Hey mushroom why don't you go fuck your new friend over there Mabey it will eventually kill your grandad.
That pissed me off.
OI shit face you might what to shut your fat ass mouth of yours befor you don't have one anymore.
Are you threatibgms gayger.
I glared at him sending a fist into his nose hearing a crack.
He fell to the floor screaming and groaning in pain.
I spat on him already leaving the class room as the teacher yelled at me.
Hanji's POV
I wondered the halls of the school looking for my midget.
But them suddenly a kid I haven't seen befor slams the door open with blood all over his fingers I peeked in the class room and I almost gasped riener was on the floor with a fully broke nose and was bleeding a lot.
The kid looked pretty good looking actually he was very hot.
A bunch of girls came up to him trying to touch his but he pushed them away saying sluts.
My jaw dropped and I silently squealed as I though that he sounded just like levi.
Lunch time came and our group went to the spot armin was there and mikasa armin was on the phone and he looked pissed as fuck.
Then the same boy I saw earlier came out and he was on the phone once he saw armin he rolled his eyes.
Eren why the fuck did you do that you could of gotten kicked out.
Well that ugly piece of shit deserved it telling peoples loved ones to go fucking die.
I started laughing and was smacked in the back of the head by the one and only levi.
Erens POV
I was getting ranted at bye armin when a girl with glasses started laughing.
But then was shut up by a guy with raven black hair and silver eyes oh those eyes I could stare at them for ages but that would be creepy.
Armin butted in and jumped up saying.
Ok let's introduce people he said everyone nodded.
Two girls making out over there are historia and Ymir they both blushed.
The two over there hugging are Marco and Jean.
The shaved kid and potato chick is Sasha and Connie.
The crazy glasses is hanji and the one and only levi.
Hanji jumped on my making groan and patted her back plying her off me making me chuckle.
Levi just stared at me and once he spotted me catching him staring he looked away.
Nice to meet ya guys I chuckled and laughed.
Hanji jumped up and down and brought me and levi and planted us on either sides of her.
How the hell did you punch riener.
Huh what do you mean I just punched him no big deal.
You would have to be fucking fast to land a fucking punch on him.?

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