Truth or dare

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Erens POV
ok Connie said clapping his hands together and smiled evilly at all of us.
I started laughing while Jean and Marco and hanji were laughing like monsters I could faintly hear levi chuckling in the corner that made me laugh harder.
Ok lets do this hanji truth or dare.
Ok I dare you to go to the next door neighbours and ask for a condom if he gives it to you,you have to put it down jeans top.
Jean stopped laughing and I smirked.
What ya smirking jaeger.
Oh nothing just how much your face reminds me of a horse.
He groaned and leaned on his boyfriend Marco.
Deal hanji ran outside the house and we heard a loud squeal and she came back with a xxl condom filled with water.
Jeans eyes went wide and started to back away.
Hanji walked over to him and shoved it down his top.
Nuuuuuuu stop it feels weird.

We all bursted into laughter but levi he still faint chuckled.
Ok now who do I choose.
She turned her head so it faced me.
Oohhhhhh fuck a duck you just got picked bye hanji your screwed.
Ok eren truth or dare.
I got confidence and said (Dare).
Ohhhhhh he chose dare rip eren.
I laughed.
Eren I dare you to put on talk dirty to me and strip infront of levi.
I could see a faint blush on his cheeks.
I started to cooe in my head lol.
I nodded and put the song on walking over to levi who was on the couch.
I stripped to the beat of the music...
Levi's POV
Eren just got dared to strip in front of me slowly to talk dirty to me.
The music started and he slowly took of his grey scarf and wrapped it around my neck I flinched at it's warmth.
He started to sway his hips as he pulled I his top revealing his hot 8 pack an his soft tan skin.
I wanted to touch it so badly.
No no levi too late.
I started to blush harder and hanji squealed jumping up and down.
My ship is sailing hahaha she started laughing like a maniac.
He was in his boxers now and turned around to prove it he had the biggest grin on his face ever I swear his lips could touch both sides of his face.
I started to chuckle and as he bent over to pull his pants up I saw a cross right on his back near his pants it was very small but I didn't bother asking instead I slapped his ass.
He squeaked and I smirked saying nice job brat.
He grinned and walked away swaying his hips.
God I could just fuck him right now.
He sat back down infront of me and he looked at me and smirked my eyes widened.
Levi truth or dare.
I don't like truth so dare I said.
I dare you to scull two vodka bottles in 10minutes.
My jaw almost dropped.
But I nodded walking to the two bottles of vodka and popes them open I started chugging the first one I was half way at 3 minutes and then I started feeling dizzy.
Common levi you can do it my mind told me I sculled the rest leaving to only collapse on top of eren.
Heheheh hey eren.
Notice me
Call me heichou
It's spelt like hei- Chou
Hehehehe you smell nice I like windex I clean my house with it everyday.
I heard eren start to laugh and I joined in so did everyone.
It was gonna be a long night eren said.

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