Where are you going?

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As I was humming and singing to you're mine by Mariah Carey the front door slammed shut. I jumped so high and dropped the two spoons I held in my hand as I was about to put them away."Daddy!?!?!", an angelic and very young girly voice yelled out. I heard light thumps coming towards the kitchen and I turned again towards the entrance. I smiled a little when I noticed the purple leggings coming towards me. She looked at me and smiled then I realised that her front big tooth is missing." Hi, I'm Heather...and you are?", the tiny thing in front of me asked trying to look professional and old but failing so bad with her cute, scrunched up face. She had reali light caramel curly hair and big hazel eyes with a light complexion, I let out a chuckle. "I'm Kim...Kimberley ma'am." I smirked and pinched her cheeks, "you're a real cutie Heather. Are you hungry?" I asked as I walked to the fridge and looked through it. Nothing much here, just a bunch of water bottles and cartoons of juice with different flavours. Some vegetables and leftovers. I'll try to get something tomorrow. "What do you want to eat?" I turned to Heather to get an answer. She walked forward and answered, "Pizza!" I turned to take out the leftover pizza but stopped. I can't give it to her, I don't know how old it is. I think we'll just order in. I picked up the phone in the kitchen and ordered pizza. "Let's go watch TV boo", I said as I moved towards her and we left the kitchen for the TV room. I decided to let her watch whatever she wanted as we waited for pizza. Minutes later the door slammed shut again. Why don't I ever hear it open? Heavy footsteps became louder and louder as they headed our way. Maybe it's Ryan. Heather turned to the entrance and a big smile plastered on her face, "Daddy!!!", she skipped/ran towards him and he picked her up and kissed her cheek.I quickly stood up so I don not seem disrespectful in his own house. The childish look on his face suddenly changed to a professional look as he looked up to me." Hi...you must be Kim?"I nodded and shuffled to shake his extended hand. Holy sweet cakes...how can a man have such soft hands?!?! I looked up at him as I retracted my hand. He's quiet handsome. Heather sure got the good looks right there excluding the dark hair, light brown eyes and slightly dark but lighter than mine skin tone."I hope you understand your job carefully Kimberley", he said with a raised eyebrow waiting for confirmation." I believe so, Sir"
He turned to Heather and picked her up to sit down."How was granny's my little pumpkin?" And he listened attentively as Heather started to tell an unending story of her day. The doorbell rang and Mr Rodriguez looked at me. "Now who could that be?"
I quickly stood up and answered him, "It might be the pizza guy, I ordered pizza for Heather and there is nothing in the fridge and I could not give her the leftovers..." I trailed off and blushed for blabbering. He only asked who it could be not why.
I stood up to rush to the door but he stopped me. " No. I'll get the door, you just prepare to dish", Mr Rodriguez said heading out of the TV room. I quickly made my way to the kitchen and took out the plates, glasses, cartoons of juice and went into the dining room. I placed Mr Rodriguez's plate in front of the seat at the edge of the table and Heather's down from his. "Heather!? Come have your dinner!", he called out to Heather -who was in the other room- as he entered in from behind me. I moved so he could take a seat but he stopped and gave the seat a glance and took a seat on the other end of the table. I made a quick move and moved the plates to the other side of the long rectangular table. Heather walked in and stood by the chair. She looked at me and gave me a pout, I noticed that she can't go up the chair herself. I picked her up, sat her down and continued dishing. After dishing up I prepared to leave the room. " Aren't you going to eat with us?", I just paused as I heard the cute girly voice asked. " Oh.... No, I had my lunch late and I'm still full." I lied coolly, I did have my lunch really late. I turned to walk out when my stomach growled rather loudly that I swear if this room was empty, you would have heard the echo. I stopped and blushed beetroot red.Great! Embarassment. "Kimberley?"
"Mr Rodriguez?"
"Go grab a plate and come dine with us."
I turned and walked slowly to the kitchen,hoping they'll be done by the time I got to the dining room, they wouldvbe done eating. I grabbed a dish and went back into the dinning room. I did not want to seem forward by taking the other side so I sat next to Heather who was between me and Mr Rodriguez. After a silent moment of eating. I gathered the dishes to wash them while Mr Rodriguez took Heather upstairs to sleep. When i was done, I dried my hands and headed for Mr Rodriguez's office. I knocked and pushed the door a little to peak my head in. "Mr Rodriguez?" I softly called out. "Mmmm?" He said without looking up and scribbling down a few things with papers scattered everywhere. His office was cosy. The left side of the wall had a small book case. The biggest object in the office was his wooden oak table with a caramel rotating leather seat and a pot plant sat in the corner. I noticed most of these all around the house. A huge glass window at the back of him and I could make out the garden from the lights in the garden. "I thought I should go grocery shopping tomorrow morning, to fill up the fridge..." I said and trailed off " And you want some money?" He asked as he continued to sign a few papers."Uhhh...yes sir..." I said awkwardly. This is uncomfortable, I feel like I'm begging for money. No matter the purpose I just never like asking for money I did not work for." Right, Ryan will be accompanying you, he has the card with him", he said still not looking up. " Okay Sir. Goodnight" I said and turned to walk out his office.
I turned back towards him and he looked up at me. His eyes looked like swirls of caramel.
"Yes sir?"
" Heather will be coming with you and Ryan. Daniel, our driver, is waiting outside to take you home. Night"
I nodded my head and walked out. I retrieved my purse from the living room and headed out. I closed the door behind me and felt the cool Autumn breeze nibble on my skin lightly. I felt like I could just sleep outside for the night. I noticed Daniel by the car and I walked towards him as he opened the door and I hopped in as I greeted and thanked him. I let out a sigh as I made conversations with Daniel. After a long 45 minutes drive home, I got home, went up the porch and shuffled for my keys. I unlocked the door and locked it again as I called out for my younger sister, Leah. "In here!" I heard her teenage girl voice answer back. I followed the sound to find her in the kitchen with the youngest one, Fifi. I kissed both their foreheads. "How is mom?" I asked Leah but instead Fifi answered me. " Mom was better today, I made sure she took all her medicine today." I looked at her and smiled at the young image of our father. She is only 5 years old but knows how to take care of our mother, at least that's what she claims. I turned to go to our mother's room. We live in a one storey house. I pushed the door open and looked at her.
"Mom?" I whispered. She's asleep.I took a moment to look at her. She used to be this beautiful, curvaceous woman but she lost alot of weight. Her once dark brown pupils looked lifeless. Her long natural hair that went a little bit past her shoulders was now shading off. Me and Leah were younger duplicates of our mother but I took mom's dark chocolate colour and Leah took dad's light colour. Fifi was slightly darker, probably from takin both sides. I kissed her cheek and turned the lights off. I walked out and closed the door. I walked to the kitchen and told the girls to go to bed. I checked the locks and switched off all the lights. I went to the girls' room and tucked in Fifi. I made sure they are both comfortable, switched off their lamps and closed the door on my way out. I went straight to my room and changed into some comfortable pyjama shorts and a tank top then switched off my light. I jumped into my small bed, went under my turquoise duvet and dozed off into a dreamless night.

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