Home meal!

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I'm starting to write longer chapters of about 1k-2k words. If you feel the story is full of potential already please help wherever you can with good ideas


Waking up this morning was an obstacle. I tossed and turned last night, thinking about totally nothing."Kimmie Kimmie Kimmie!!!" Fifi came running and jumped onto my bed that it made a squeaky sound. I groaned, slowly opening my eyes to see her looking at me. I gave a low chuckle,"You're a mess."

She gave a giggle and I got out of bed, " Come on, lets get you cleaned up" and I picked her up heading into our only bathroom. "Leah?"I called
"She left this morning."
"To school?"
" No, to a friend's, to take a warm shower"

For a weeks now we took a cold shower and used a gas stove. Mr Rodriguez mentioned paying me every week and I'm sure I will have enough to pay the bills before we loose the house.

After Fifi's bath I dressed her up in her fading jeans, her favourite old guess shirt and her worn out converses. She ate breakfast while I took my cold shower. The day seemed colder than usual so I did not take my time this morning. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me.

I made a mental note to buy new towels. I decided on a simple outfit of blue jeans, a sweater and my combat boots. The sky looked so dark and I packed my lunch, money and umbrella into my small sideside bag.

As I was walking towards the kitchen I decided to check on mother and she wasn't in her room."Mom?" I called out walking towards the kitchen.
"In here." I heard her raspy low voice from the kitchen. I walked in and found her sitting down next to Fifi.

" Hi Mrs Dickson" I said as I kissed my mom on her forehead and hugged Mrs Dickson. Mrs Dickson is our neighbour and the pastor's wife. She comes in everyday to take care of my mom and fifi for no charge. I picked up the apple she brought with her for breakfast and left for work. I took a taxi and rode one and a half hour long to get to work.

When I arrived at the West side, I walked in and started making breakfast. While preparing breakfast Mr Rodriguez walked in with his briefcase. He looked really good with his chocolate brown suit, caramel shirt and gold-brown tie. He raised his eyebrow and I realised I was staring, turning away with embarrassment I continued with the pancakes.

"I'm leaving" he finally said and Heather came skipping down the stairs. "What about breakfast?"
"I'll get something from the office", he said and kissed Heather 's cheek and walked out with confident strides. I smiled at Heather and placed her plate in front of her and she started digging in.

"Ladies!" Ryan sang horribly and walked into the enormous kitchen, kissing Heather's nose and placing pancakes on an empty plate then taking a seat next to her. I started washing the pots and utensils I used. Ryan kept cracking a joke here and there and I had to admit he looked really handsome with his full smile and sparkling eyes. After collecting and washing their plates we headed out to a gold Range Rover and I decided to go Ralph's first since it had all the things I needed for tonight's dinner. After getting everything Ryan paid and we went on to Walmart. I got the few extra things I thought I might need as Ryan told me about Mr Rodriguez and Heather's allergies. I had to technically remove half of the things I had on my list as they were dislikes and allergies, which took us more time as we had to walk every aisle to see what I can use. After 3 hours of grocery shopping Ryan took us to McDonald's to get some food for our late lunch. I looked at Heather as she nibbled on her fries but looked super hungry.
"She is beautiful isn't she? "
"She is unique." I said as I turned to Ryan who caught me examining the young girl next to me.
"Just like her mother." Ryan said. I frowned a little and asked, "What happened to her mother if you don't mind me asking?"
"Suicide." He bluntly said. I looked back towards Heather and noticed she is looking at a woman embracing a young boy with so much adoration in her stance and she turned back to her food. After eating Heather raised her short arms up and asked me to give her a piggy back ride, I did so. The car ride back to the house was filled with Heather's light snores and the atmosphere was just calm.

Upon arrival I took Heather upstairs to her room. As soon as I went up the second flight of stairs, I bumped into Mr Rodriguez that I almost dropped his daughter but he held both of us up. "Good afternoon Mr Rodriguez, I was just taking her to her room. " I explained. I held out his arms and said, "I'll take her. "

I went back downstairs to help Ryan finish unpacking before preparing dinner.

While preparing dinner Mr Rodriquez walked in asking for coffee and I brewed a cup for him. I took the mug made the way Ryan instructed and walked to the sitting room where he said he'll be.

"Here you go sir" I said as I set it on the glass table. He gave a single nod and I went back to preparing dinner. I held a great conversation with Ryan and found out that he is homosexual. That explained the way he knew of different woman boutiques that I didn't even know of.
After dishing up I went up to wake Heather as Ryan went for Mr Rodriguez.

"Hey baby girl" I lightly shock her. She slowly opened her eyes and rubbed the sand out of them. "You have to wake up dinner is ready. " I softly said.
"What are we having tonight?"
"Why don't you come and see for yourself?"
"I don't want takeout tonight!"
"Definitely not takeout."

Her smile brightened up and she raised her arms an I picked her up, walking out and downstairs.

I dished up for everyone including me as Mr Rodriguez insisted I do with the support of Ryan and Heather. We could have quietly eaten our food if it wasn't for Ryan's cockiness blabbering about absolute nonsense and Mr Rodriguez alwyz playfully turning off his limelight. Heather kept on giggling but frowning when she doesn't understand what had been said. I stood up to clear the table.
"Miss Mohale please take a seat" Mr Rodriguez looked at me with seriousness on his face and posture. Million questions wondered my head in a second.

Am I losing my job already?

Was dinner bad for him? It looked a biy classic though...

Have I misplaced something of importance?

I took my seat nearby him. "Is everything alright Mr Rodriguez?" I asked shakily
"Yes, everything is perfectly fine" he answered and I let out a sigh of relief. He raised his eyebrow but continued anyway.

"Miss Mo--"
"Please... Kim", I shamelessly interrupted him. He gave a small teethless smile , "Okay, Kim. I was wondering, when will you occupy your cottage?" He asked. "Pardon? " I asked with confusion written all over my face.
"You didn't read your rule booklet? " he asked with a questioning look filled with disappointment too.
"Uhhh... I didn't finish it, Sir. " I mumbled. "Oh I see... " he shot back, "Well the booklet says you have to move in to your maid cottage within your 5 days of working. Meaning you'll be waking, working and sleeping in this yard."
My eyes grew big as I thought about my family.
"Is there something wrong Kim?"
"No sir... I'll move in right away sir"
"Good" he said as he stood up and walked away.
"Oh and Kim?"
"Yes sir? "
"Bring along your family."

My heart burst into happiness as he disappeared before I could thank him. I turned around but there was no sign of Heather and Ryan. I just shrugged and went back to washing the dishes humming a random but familiar tune.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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