•5• Waves

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My feet push against the pedals, giving the wheels in to rotation, and the wind captures my hair and sends it behind me in a flourish of speed. I look out into the countryside area owned by my family, and its stretch along the coast. 

When I reach the beach, there's a significant amount of people there, but not too many. I sit in the sand, close to the water, and wiggle my toes in it. My mother and I always loved the beach. I look out onto the water and take off my white sundress, revealing my swimsuit, a new one, floral and strapless, that Ama bought for me a few days ago as a gift. It fits me well, and the colors are to my liking.

I look around for a while, taking it all in, the people, that is. They all seem to flock here in such a way that they are magnetically drawn to it, but no one seems fascinated or of significant appreciation of the view, it seems to be a routine, a beauty that has somewhat lost its charm to them.

To me, it's all sorts of things.

"Serafina!" A voice yells from behind me. I turn around and see a smiling Arlo, now sitting next to me in the sand. I smile back. He's a fairly attractive guy, his grey eyes are so different and they catch the light in a way I've never really seen before, and his dark black hair sticks up all over the place, but still manages to look good.

"Arlo, hi!"

He tilts his jaw to the side, away from me. "Wasn't the last time I saw you when you dropped a glass after seeing Lucca?" He smirks.

I cover my face with my hands. "No.. no...! that was so embarrassing!" I say, not looking up at him.

He laughs. "It's alright. Lucca tends to have that effect on girls, you're not the first one to stop in their tracks."

"Wait what?"

"Aw, Sera," he says, swinging an arm around me. "It's okay to have a little crush. I'm warning you though, Lucca tends to lead people on quite frequently."

"...I don't have a crush on Lucca Arlo!"

"Denial! Denial, denial, denial. I saw the way you looked at him! Explain that. Why else would you have dropped the glasses? Hm?"

"I- I was simply surprised to see him is all."

"Basta! Tell me the truthhh Sera. I can see it in your eyes."

"I don't have a crush!"

"What else would it be?!"

"...Well, I'd met him once before."

He looks shocked, eyes widening. Then he smiles again an excited smile. "When?!"

"...It was embarrassing!"

"You have to tell me!"

"It's nothing truly interesting. We bumped into each other, and I fell, so he helped me up, and well... I don't think there was much else..."

"Well there must've been something about it that made you drop a glass at the mere sight of him"

Of course I'd never admit it to Arlo, the way my heart came to a complete halt and shot surges of warmth over my whole body, his looks of those I had never seen or experienced before. So when I was reminded of this feeling by the sight of him once again, the glass seemed to slip from my fingertips, my consciousness of reality slipping along with it, momentarily.

I glance up at him, tearing myself away from my thoughts.
"No, just..- embarrassment. That's all."

"Sera, don't be shy about it. I can even talk to him- see what he thinks of you?" He says with a smirk.

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