Chapter 1

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This is my first book. I hope you like it if u do tell me. I would love to read what you guys think of this book.
Here I stand in front on my new school right by my car. The place looks old. Two story building, Vines crawling on the side of the bricks, and the graffiti on the walls.

My feet feel like they're glued to the ground, I didn't want to move I just want to get back in my car and go back home. Not my new home my mom made us move to. My old one where my few friends were and family. But no, I had to move a six hour drive away from my home.

"Okay just take a deep breath and move. Walk in and don't look at anyone, I got this, I so got this." I say to myself trying to give myself a pep talk.

I still didn't move.

Finally going through my head on how I wanted today to go, I start moving my feet.

I start walking towards the front door, keeping my head down. Everyone and then I would look up to make sure I wouldn't bump into someone. Every time I look up people were already looking at me weird, as I made my way to the front door. I didn't look at them because I didn't want them to assume I'm looking at them nasty. Really trying not to get beat up.

I don't like how they look at me though, like I'm something different to them, but then maybe I am. As the girls wore belly shirts and short shorts. While I wore a red shirt with black leggings. The guys wearing ripped jeans and shirts with some wholes in them. Some had bandanna on there head.

While walking I heard a couple whistle while walking by, but I just kept on walking looking down at my feet counting how many steps I take.

As I got closer to the door I heard muffle noises. I couldn't make them out. The closer I got, the better I heard.

People were shouting.


I take a deep breath and pull open the door. walking inside the first thing I see is a huge crowed of people forming a circle. I walk over to see what's happening, but I couldn't get a good look. I guess it's better I didn't see what's going on and just head towards the office.

But that didn't happen because something bursted out of the crowd dropping at my feet. Well more like someone.

Their, Two guys throwing punches at each other. The one on the bottom had red hair that fell in his face with freckles around his nose. The one on top had blond hair that's combed to the side. They both had a little bit of muscles, But not that much.

As I look at them shocked my thoughts were running crazy.

What do I do? Pull them apart? Get help?

When I finally got my thoughts together I decided not to do anything. I don't want to be part of anything. Im only 5'2 and have no muscles. When theses guys are just about at 6'0. Not such a great idea.

I finally take a step back and then another one. I look up to see if anyone was going to stop them. I didn't, but what I do see is teachers walking by like nothing was happening. I look back down then up again. No one is going to help them. Everyone is just crowded around them. Looking at them all they all are just shouting nonsense at the two fight. Still looking I notice a pair of eyes staring at me.

They were green piercing eye. They were so bright just staring at my blue ones. His mouth was slightly parted like he was shocked. Maybe because of the fight?

When I moved my eyes to look at him, all of him my breath got caught. He was beautiful just leaning against the lockers. He had light brown hair that was pushed up in the front and shaven on the sides. High cheek bones, full pink lips, and a really nice jaw line. He's tall and I mean really tall, at least like 6'3 or 6'4 .

He has on dark washed pair of jeans with a white t-shirt that I can see his tattoos under his shirt and muscular arms that stand out. If he stands next to the boys who were fighting, He make them look like they had no muscles at all, But it's not like that kind of really built guy where they have no neck. No he made it just right on his body. He got a wide chest and shoulders. He was just leaning against the lockers just staring.

I was finally brought back to reality when I got pushed slightly. That's when I realized the fight has stopped and people were going about their day, as if nothing happened.

Was I really just standing in the middle of the hallway just staring at this gorgeous piece of meat?

I finally got my thoughts together and turned around to look for the office. I finally found it after a few glances. I start walking toward it. As I walk in I saw a lady behind the desk. She has her blond hair up in a fancy bun and her glasses hanging around her neck.

"Hi, How may I help you dear?"

"Hi I'm knew here my name is Clair Smith, I was wondering if I could get my schedule and locker combination please." I said twiddling with my thumbs.

"Oh yes! You're her! you are so pretty, just let me get your schedule real quick." She had a bright smile on her face when she says this.

When she said I was pretty I really didn't think so, I look normal with my long brown hair and blues eyes with my full pink lips, and flush pink cheeks.

While I was waiting I heard the bell go off. Hoping everyone went to class. I didn't want anyone looking at me weird again.

"Here you go dear.have a wonderful day." The lady at the front desk said as she came back with my schedule.

"Thank you" I turned and walked out of the office. When I was out I look at my schedule. First period was science room 216. I hated English . Good thing is I only have five classes then I can go home.

As I was walking I thought I should stop at my locker to see where it's is. All I have on me is a notebook and a pen so I really didn't need to stop there, but then thought to myself that's it's safer not to because I started to look around. I saw spray paint on the lockers saying not such nice things. The walls looked like they need to be redone from all of the chipping paint coming off. Chips in the floor made me watch where I was going. The lights flickering made me creeped out.

How could my mom make me go to such a horrid place. This school should be shut down. I can't wait to talk to her about this.

I finally find my class after a few minutes. I take a deep breath and knock on the door and opened it.

Everyone had their eyes on me. Watching me. Judging me.


A/N. People! I would love feed back. Talk to me or comment! I want to know what you guys think!

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