Chapter 5

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Guys! Tell me what you think! I wanna know so bad!!

P.s. I didn't edit this. I'll go back and do it later.



The green eyed man.

This hunk!

Was Vince.

As Ray finally disappeared from our view, we looked at each other. Well more like me glancing and him staring. feeling shy with him staring at me I quickly went back to my book, although I couldn't concentrate on what I was reading. Hearing someone clear their throat I look up to a still staring Vince.

"How's your first day?" He said while putting his hands in his pocket.

"fine" I say a little shyly.

"Cool. Good. Not the best of schools, but it'll get you were you need to go." His voice was making my stomach do weird things.

I can tell he was trying to get me to talk. I try to think of something to say so its not an awkward silence between us.

"Do you like it?" I ask looking up from my book to make eye contact with him.

"It's not bad I guess." He said while leaning against the bookshelf. Only to cause a few books to fall.

"Shit." He said looking to the books then back at me, while scratching the back of his head. Smiling a little bit, I set my book down and get up to help him pick them up. While bending down he blew out a breath.

"I didn't mean to do that." He said while helping me pick up the books.

"I've done much worst, Don't worry about it." I said laughing a little.

"Like stumbling on that book bag in second period. Or when u kept staring at me in class too?" I stop picking the books up and look up. He was just staring at me again with a little smile on his lips.

Chuckling a little I said. "You saw that huh? Talk about embarrassing." Mumbling the last part mostly to myself.

We stood up and put the books back. I walked back to my table about to pick up the book and start reading again but didn't. Instead I closed it and looked up at him just standing awkwardly.

"Y-you can sit down if you
want." I told him.

Smiling he he said okay and pulled the chair out across from me and took a seat.

"What was Ray trying to give me." I blurted out without thinking.

Vince quickly looked up at me with his eyes wide, but then he smirk.

"Energy pill. Nothing to serious." He said still smirking.

"Why couldn't he go to the story to buy them?"

"Because he thinks there Xanax." He replayed smoothly.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

He leaned in closer to me and looked around then back at me.

"I sell the pills I order from Russia and making him believe there Xanax. While making money I get to see some jackasses pretending their high off a energy pill. It's quite funny really."

"So the one he tried giving me was a energy pill?"


"Do they really think their high after awhile?"

"Yes" He said again.

"How many people come to you?"

"Quite a few."

"But you really don't sell real drugs though right?" I asked just to make sure.

But his smirk faded slowly.

"Um no."

"Oh" I said still looking at him.

Vince was about to say something but we heard someone coming. Watching the corner to see who is coming I wait.

It was a boy. With brown hair and brown eyes. Tall but not as tall as Vince. He was a lanky shape with some big square glasses.

"Hey Vince, Josh wants to get some we- well hello there." He said when he finally looked up from his phone. He looked back at Vince then me.

"Vince really already trying to get with the new girl? My Man!" He said while shaking his head.

My cheeks heated at that comment.

"Fuck off Jack." Vince says

You could say Vince's voice was definitely above library whispering.

"Whoa hey cuz chill. I was just messing with you." He said while holding his hands up in a surrender mode. Vince grumble under his breath about being cousin with such a idiot.

Looking between them I feel they have things to discuss I say "I think I should go."

"No." Vince said grabbing my arm. His hand was big and warm around my arm. Having his arm on me made my stomach do that weird thing again. "Stay please. It's uh your first day here. I'm just trying to be friendly and make you feel comfortable."

I held my breath for a few moments thinking if I should stay or go.

"Okay" I sat back down.

"The fuck?" I heard Jack whisper.

Clearing my throat I said. "So Jack is your cousin?"

"Sadly yes." Vince replied with a smirk.

"Hey you dumb fuck. I'm right here!" Jack yelled

"Again, sadly." Vince says rolling his eyes.

Laughing a little I look between them.

"You guys look nothing alike." I said squinting my eyes to try and see a resemblance.

"Sad I know. I got the good looks." Jack says while shaking his head.

Looking at Vince I let out a little laugh from the facial expression on him.

After that we get to talking about random things. When I first saw Vince he looked like a mean grumpy dude, but now that I got to talk to him a little he's not that bad. Jack on the other hand had me laughing so much the librarian had to come back and shush me. When she turned her back Jack stuck his tongue out at her. You could say jack was like a little kid but not the annoying kind. Sadly the bell had to finally ring and end our talk. Gathering my stuff to leave Vince called my name.

"Come here tomorrow. I'll be waiting." He called out and left.

As I repeated the words he said to me a smile covered my face. Blushing a little I finally leave and go to walk to my car and leave.


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