Story VI

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Title: Envy

Day: 6

Date: April 22, 2016

By: Princess_Moon_Angel

A/N: This story is based off of the song: Tailor Shop on Enbizaka by VOCALOID Luka Megurine. Not very original, I know, but I wanted to try.

This story is being told by Luka Megurine, the tailor.

My tailor scissors snipped cleanly across the silk fabric, cutting it clean in half. Making beautiful kimonos for other women was tiring, but I am the best tailor Enbizaka has know, so I must bear with it.

I am beautiful. Of that, I have no doubt, but it is my lover that concerns me most. Why is it that he is so unfaithful? He never comes home even though he has a woman such as myself.

Today, as I looked out onto the busy street, I saw you with a beautiful woman in a gorgeous red kimono. You seem friendly with that woman. I felt sick, and turned on my heel, walking away.

But I must carry on with my work. With the scissors my mother used to use, the more you sharpen them, the better they cut. I wet my cheeks with tears.

And continue working on the kimono in front of me.

Today, the neighborhood is uneasy: it seems there has been a crime. I saw you in front of the bridge, looking depressed. Wait, who is that girl next to you?

The girl with beautiful hair seems to be comforting him. Around her slim waist was a lovely green sash. Ah, so that is the kind of girl you like...

But, I must carry on with my work. Carrying my scissors in hand, and with red swollen eyes,

I fix the sash in front of me.

The neighborhood has grown restless. Looks like there was another crime. I saw him today in front of the hairpin shop. Who is that girl next to you?

To the girl who looked too young, he bought a yellow hairpin. What do you think you're doing? You really are indiscriminate. Jealousy burning in my stomach, I whipped away from the scene.

However, I must focus on my work. Hmm.. that's strange. Were my scissors always this color? Well, I work anyway.

Ah, my work is finally complete. If you will not come to me, I will meet you.

Scissors are made of two blades.

They carry out their tasks by being close and scraping against one another.

Just like a married couple who get along well...

That's what my mother used to say.

Red kimono..

Green sash...

Yellow hairpin...

I've finally become the kind of woman you love.

What do you think? Aren't I beautiful?

Today, the neighborhood is in chaos. It seems that a man has been mudered. A whole family of four, killed by someone.

Besides that, he was acting so awful. "Hello, nice to meet you," he says. As if he were talking to some stranger!

It was like he was talking to a stranger.

But I must concentrate on my work. I carry my scissors in one hand. The scissors that are now painted red.. the more you sharpen, the better they cut.

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