Part VI

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Drew’s POV

At around 10AM I heard movement from Shane’s bedroom. Walking to the living room doorframe, I peered out and saw Shane shuffle tiredly into the bathroom; presumably to have a shower. I walked into the Kitchen waving to Luke as I noticed him making another coffee and placed two pieces of bread into the toaster. I decided to make Shane scrambled eggs on toast this morning; his favourite. I finished making breakfast just in time to see Shane leave the bathroom, fully dressed and ruffling his wet hair with a towel as he walked back into his room; closing the door behind him. I sighed; recently he would sit in the kitchen with me in the morning. He’s hiding away again.

“He’s gone back into his room.” Luke stated, looking across at me.

I nodded. “I’ll get him out.” I said placing Shane’s food onto a plate and walking towards the door.

“And, how are you going to do that?” Luke replied.

“Don’t underestimate me, Luke. I am a Timid after all.” I said, winking at him as I made my way to Shane’s bedroom door. Knocking three times I let myself in, closing the door behind me.

“Morning, Shane.” I said cheerfully. Shane was stood in front of his mirror, drying his hair as much as he could with a towel. “I brought you breakfast.”

He smiled as he took the food from me, and sat on his bed crossed legged, placing his wet towel next to him. “Thank you, Drew. Oh, scrambled eggs on toast!” He grinned, grabbing his knife and fork and beginning to cut it up. I smiled, I loved making him happy.

“So, what are you doing tucked up in here?” I asked gently. I didn’t want to scare him away if he was feeling particularly down today.

“I-I wasn’t hiding! I-I was just-” He cut himself off, sighing.

“Hey, it’s okay.” I patted his leg gently. “Everyone has their off days.” Shane nodded, smiling. He seemed happy that I wasn’t frustrated with him.

I let him finish his breakfast before asking him anything. I didn’t know how to say it, how would he react? I didn’t want him to be angry with me.

“Thank you, Drew!” He said happily, as he stood to place his plate on his bedside table, and return beside me. “So, what was it you wanted to ask me?” He asked, looking at me.

I widened my eyes. How did he know I wanted to ask him something?

“Come on, you only make me my favourite breakfast when you want to ask me something, or want something. So, what is it?” He said, smiling, poking his tongue out. I didn’t want to take away his smile, but if he’s hiding away today, Laurence would make him take some time off, I couldn’t let that happen.

“Umm, Okay.” He placed a reassuring hand on my knee, still smiling. “Cy, I was wondering if you had thought about telling the others, umm, about what happened, you know?” I asked shyly. I wasn’t looking forward to his reply.  Looking across at Shane I noticed his smile fall into a frown, and I instantly regretted what I said, why did I have to ask him? I just want him to smile all the time, he deserves to smile.

“Tell them? Why?” He asked, looking down at his clothed feet, picking at the fabric of his socks.

“It’s just that, they’re worried about you too, Shane.” I said quietly, trying to be as gentle as possible.

“B-But I want to forget.” He whispered, looking up at me with glassy eyes. Well done, Drew, you’ve upset him.

“I know.” I replied, defeated. I couldn’t upset him anymore, but he really needed to tell them, otherwise Laurence would make him have him off. Should I tell him about this morning? Maybe that would help. Or just make things worse.

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