Chapter 4

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There is going to be a little switch in the point of views in this chapter.


Isabel's POV

Today, Blaise said he was inviting some friends over so I decided to stay out of their way. I went to the library where there was, surprisingly, a large amount of muggle books. I picked one off the shelf titled Titanic" and went to the pond and sat on a bench.

I still find this interesting even though I've read this a lot of times. I thought.

Blaise's POV

I invited my friends, Astoria Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott and Draco Malfoy. I told my sister and she said it was fine. She even decided to go and read, away from us.

At around 8:00 am, they all arrived and I greeted them at the front door.

"Hey guys." I greeted.

"Hey," they all said in unison.

"So what's going on with you, lately?" Theo ask.

"Guys, remember I said I have a sister?" I ask. They all nodded.

"Well, I found her and she is outside near the pond. Her name is Isabel Leia Zabini, formerly known as Hermione Granger." They all stared at me like I grew another set of limbs.

"So, do you guys wanna see her or ...?" I ask. They all nodded their heads. I lead them outside to see my sister sitting on a bench and reading a book. 

She's always reading a book. I thought.

"Isabel." I called.

Isabel's POV

"Isabel," Blaise called. I looked up and saw that he was not alone. With him were the most annoying Slytherins I have ever had to meet: Theodore Nott, Pansy Pug-faced Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass and the worst one, Draco Ferret Malfoy.

"Yes?" I ask politely, restraining myself from punching Malfoy. Or maybe all of them. I might even just say a strong of choice words at them.

"They just wanna talk to you," Blaise said.

"We are so so so sorry for being mean to you and calling you mudblood. Please forgive us." Pansy and Astoria said in unison.

"Same here," Theo and Malfoy muttered, though they didn't sound very apologetic.

"I forgive you," I said.

"So let's head inside?" I ask and walked inside with them at my heels.

And then, there was the really awkward silence.

"So...since I don't know anything about any of you. Why don't all of us say something about ourselves?" I ask. They all nodded their heads.

"I'll go first." said Astoria. "My name is Astoria Serena Greengrass. I have a sister named Daphne Greengrass. My parents are Serena and Jake Greengrass. I don't play quidditch. My favorite color is pink. My patronus is a swan, well that's what my parents said I haven't conjured one yet. My favorite subject is Charms and my least is Care of Magical Creatures." Astoria said.

"Wow, that's a lot to say," I commented.

"I'm next." Pansy said. "My name is Pansy Petunia Parkinson. I am an only child. My parents name is Petunia and Yuran Parkinson. I don't play quidditch. My patronus is a deer. My favorite color is purple. My favorite subject is Astronomy and my least is Defense Against the Dark Arts." Pansy said.

I just nodded and gestured for the next one to speak up.

"Me next." Theo said. "My name is Theodore Anderson Nott. I have a younger sister named Mary. My parents are Cecelia and Anderson Nott.  I play quidditch as a beater. My patronus is a dog. My favorite color is green. My favorite subject is Charms and my least is Divination." Theo said.

I nodded and looked at the last one, Malfoy.

"I'm next." Malfoy said. "My name is Draco Lucius Malfoy. My parents are Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. I play quidditch as a seeker. My favorite color is green. My patronus is a white stallion. My favorite subject is Potions and my least is Study on Ancient Runes." Draco said.

I just looked at my brother.

"Me next." Blaise said. "My name is Blaise Carlos Zabini. I have a sister named Isabel Zabini. My parents are Violet and Carlos Zabini. I play quidditch as a chaser. My patronus is a seal. My favorite color is blue. My favorite subject is Transfiguration and my least is Care of Magical Creatures." Blaise said.

Then, I spoke up, "my turn. My name is Isabel Leia Zabini. I have a brother named Blaise Zabini. My parents are Violet and Carlos Zabini. I don't play quidditch. My patronus is an otter. My favorite color is scarlet. My favorite subject is Transfiguration and my least is Divination."

"Choosing my favorite and least subject is difficult." I said. Then, my phone beeped and everyone jumped.

"What's that?" Astoria asked.

"It's called a phone, muggle object," I replied, calming everyone.

I took a look at my phone and saw that the boy-who-lived texted me. It read:

Hey Isabel, how r u?

I texted back:

Fine, why r u texting me?

He texted back:

I'm texting u, bc Gin is wondering if u would come to The Burrow for a while. And also if you would like to sleep here for awhile.

I scrolled to the next message:

Hey Isabel,
It's Ginny, I was wondering if u would like to come and sleepover with me, bc it's really boring here.

And by the way it's Harry writing this not Ginny bc she doesn't know how to use a phone.

As I was saying before someone told **cough**force**cough** me to write what she is saying. Would u like to come?

"Blaise, I'm gonna go to The Burrow and sleepover there for a while. Is that ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, fine by me." Blaise said.

I texted back:

Okay, I'll sleepover there for awhile.

He texted:

Great, I'll tell Ginny. Bye.

I went straight or my room and packed and I apparated away.


Hey guys!

This is one long chapter. I will update at least once a week.

So this chapter is dedicated to HOGWARTS1DSPN


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