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annabelles pov 

Josh is such a creep . I wish that he could just hold my hand . Not hug me . he might have an std or aids . And then when I kissed his cheek ... So help me I smelt his colon and man did it smell amazing .... Wait ! What am I thinking ?! He can't smell good . More than likely he would smell sex and beer but no . Doesn't he smells really good . Like the outdoors/ old country type . And that's what makes me mad . Bra use he where's the kind my dad used to ......... I still miss him so much . I miss my mom sooo much to ..... But remember.... Remember what they wanted . They wanted you to get married to Joshua ray Daniels ......... Uhg !!! Why ? " well lets go check out for a place to have our wedding ." I look down at my feet . Did he forget that we are leaving for Russia tonight ? " josh ? You do know that we are leaving for Russia tonight . Right ?" He looks at me . " look . I may be on the foot ball team but I got pretty good grades . A's and b's little girl so don't put me out there a dumb bleep ( just in case your wondering why I don't wright the cuss word , it's because my mom would kill me if she ever seen me write story's like that .) got that ? Cause I have just as good grades as you . " I just look at him . Did I say he was dumb on any of that ? No ! I didn't . " we'll I'm sorry that your being bratty and moody . Are you on your man period or is this what in going to have to live with for the rest of my life till I die . Because if it is ... Can't wait for that day to come ." And with that I walked to the car . People were starring . But I don't care at the moment .

Josh's pov 

Did . She . Just . Humiliate . me . like . That ?! I don't think so . This is when I rush out to the car luckily there was no cops around to know what I did next cause let me tell you it's not a pretty sight .

*** if you do not like to read abuse parts then don't read until the next set of stars .***

When I got closer to her , her back was to me and I grabbed her shoulder and spun her around to face me . I then shove her into the car and slap her right in the face then take my hand and ball her hair up in my fist . " if you EVER do that again there will be more than just slapping you in the face and pulling your hair got it ?" I said that with the most scariest voice  . Years where in her eyes but right now I'm to ticked off about what happened . So I pushed her into the car and got in myself . Dang . Lets hope she learns her lesson . 

A/n I'm sorry this is really short but ... How do we like jodh ? How do we like Annabelle . ?

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