Chapter I

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It was 10:37 PM

when my whole world turned upside down but first, let's start from the beginning.

"Elise, get in the car! we're going to the mall! " I call out.

Elise De Vries, she's my little sister who is 16 years old. Elise has wavy light brown hair that goes up to her stomach with deep blue ocean eyes. She has light freckles scattered under her eyes and across her nose, which I find adorable. Even though I'm 18 years old,  Elise's height is unremarkable.  She is 5'10 meanwhile,  I am 5'8.

"Okay I'm on my way, just let me find my phone. " she yells from upstairs.

"Okay I'll be waiting in the car." I yell back. As I was about to head out the front door, I quickly ran back inside; kissing my mom on the cheek,  while saying a quick goodbye.

Running out of the house I get in the car, noticing that my sister was already ready to go.

"What took you so long, Zoë?" turning around I give her a look while huffing a piece of hair out of my face. I hate when she does that. I shuffle through my bag, looking for my keys. Finally, I find the key and I place it in the engine. The car comes to life.

As I finally get comfortable in my seat, my sister Elise, turns on the radio. A catchy turn comes on. i wonder for a moment, what is the name of this song? I look towards my sister, "Shazam this song, would you?"

"You're kidding, right? You really don't know the name of this song?" she looks at me with confusion in her eyes.

"Uhm.. no? I don't usually listen to this type of music. But, seriously. what's the name of the song?"

she looks at me with shock, "It's called, Name of love by Martin. He is like the best fucking DJ i can think of... besides Hardwell, of course."

"Okay..well i will look into it. Right now I just really want to go to Sephora because i really want to get the peach pallet, it's coming out today." I say excitedly.

"Well while you're going to Sephora, i am going to Brandy. i saw this really cute shirt on their website and i want to go check it out."

"That's cool with me, just text me when you're ready to go eat somewhere." I say while getting out of the car. I look forward at the entrance while sliding on my shades.

"see ya later alligator."

Ding. I turn on my phone to see who it was, Eli.

Eli: Are you ready to head out?

Me: Ya, sounds good. where do you want to go eat?

Eli: mmh I heard about this really good pizza place near the mall?  its called Grimaldi's. look it up. but yeah, i'll meet you outside.

6:52 PM.

"Could you look up where the place is at?" i say while looking at the road in front of me. "Yeah, give me a sec."

"okay go straight, then turn to your right two times."

as i turn the corner or to my right; I notice right away that it was a pretty popular place. it was absolutely stunning, but very small like a family owned business. It had tan bricked walls, looked modern yet homey. Green vines were climbing up the walls like it was depending on it. when we walk in, the first thing I notice is, a medium sized water fountain placed in the middle of the restaurant. We were seated right away, near the water fountain.

A teen about my age with blonde hair and green eyes walks our way, swaying her hips. "Hello welcome to Grimaldi's! have you guys dined with us, before?"

my sister speaks before I can even grasp what she just said, "No, but I heard a lot about this place."

the waiter looks at her with annoyance, "Yes, I'm sure you have. I suppose you're another annoying fan of his?"

I look up to her, giving the dirtiest look I can ever give, "And I suppose you wouldn't mind if i speak with your manager about your attitude?" Her face turns red full of anger, but quickly recovers it with a fake smile, "So, what would you like to order, ma'am ?"

Finally breaking the silence i speak up, "Mm, I'd like yo have a cup of water-" "make that Two."

"Okay so two cups of water, anything else?" she speaks.

"Where is your eyebrows?" Eli whispers faintly. I slowly chuckle to myself.

knowing my sister, I order a large caesar salad and a medium sized pepperoni pizza.

~ An hour later ~

We were on our way home when, I find myself humming along to a very familiar song that started playing on the radio. Name of love.

Parking into the drive way, i go straight to my room. Grabbing my laptop that was on my nightstand, I go on YouTube and i search up, name of love. More than a thousand videos pop up. this is going to take forever, I think to myself. Clicking on the first video, the music started to blast through the speakers. it sounded like an 80's song. Definitely not that song. clicking on the second video, the same song that was playing on the radio started to play. Finally.

By Martin Garrix.

I've always been curious about stuff...especially when it comes to guys, because I've never actually had a boyfriend, nevertheless a kiss. I've always been the ugly duckling in my family. Elise is...stunning while, I'm just..Me. plain, old, simply me. nothing more, nothing less.

After deciding wether or not to even search up Martin Garrix, I decided against it. I close my laptop and set it aside. Getting myself ready to bed, I put on the most comfiest shorts i can find and a large tee-shirt. I lean over, grabbing all my hair and finally tying it with an elastic.

Luckily, my room is attached to a small bathroom to the right side of the room. Grabbing my phone that was set on my nightstand, I go straight the bathroom.

I look at myself on the mirror. sighing, I wonder to myself, why am I so ugly? Grabbing a towel, I get ready to wash my face.

" Hey Zoë, do you want to watch a movie with?" my sister asks as she walks into the bathroom. "Ya, do we have any ice cream?"

In The Name of love (Martin Garrix)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu