Chapter III

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In the name of love,

Has been stuck inside my head for the past few hours till I finally drifted off to sleep.

Waking up suddenly from a loud bang, I turn to my left cheek. 3:00AM. Who could possibly be awake at this time ? I wonder to myself. Yawning and flipping the covers over, I get up. Half asleep I head to where the loud bang came from.

"Elise ?"

"Uhh...... yes ?"

"What are you doing ?"

"Nothing.... ?" Laughing nervously.

"Elise, are you okay ? I heard a loud bang."

"Yea it was the cat"

"We don't have a cat, Elise." Now with full panic I enter the room.

"Elise it's 3 AM why are you awake ?"

"I'm hungry."

Hah. Honestly, if that's not relatable to anyone then I don't know what is. Huffing, I sit down watching her cook up mac n cheese.

Daan: I'm coming over. Very important.

"Who was that ?" Elise speaks up out of curiosity.

"It was Daan he says it's important."

Zoë: are you okay ???

"Okay when are you guys going to start dating ? Have you considered that ? You guys would be so cute !" Elise says in frustration

"Oh god Elise. Not this again."

"Come on, you've never thought he was cute ?"

"Uh no. We're just friends Elise."

"Friend zoned much ? Come on. He's your type." In full whine.

I have wondered. I've thought of him as a boyfriend but never wanted to ruin our friendship. It was too good to throw it all away. We've been friends for what it seems like a long time. Those late night drives in the city. Going to some random restaurants we've never been to at night, you know, to try something new. Making giant tipis with pillows and blanks in the living room for movie nights or even simple bike rides at night, screaming at the top of our lungs till it hurts to talk.

"Have you seen the way he looks at you, Zoë ?"

Off in the distance we both hear a knock.

"Quick, hit the lights and grab that knife." Elise squeaks.

"It's Daan, silly." I respond with a small laugh.

Opening the door I see Daan with his goofy safety helmet he wears when he rides his bike and in his hands a bag full of junk food and three milk shakes.

"So this is what the 'important' text message you sent me looks like ?" fully laughing, I smile up at him. His face turns from beat red to a sheepish grin.

"Hey ! Food is important ! So are my friends stomachs." Daan finally confesses and looks over to Elise. I turn over to look at Elise with a questioning look. Not tapping on it, I let it go.

"I love you Daan." I blurt out without hesitation.

Laughing he starts to sing, "my milkshake brings all the girls to the yard."

5:00 AM

"Oh god, I have work soon. Why did I stay up with you guys." I state after checking my phone for any messages.

"Just call in, that's what I do." Daan says in triumph.

"Yea, that's why no one wants to ever hire you" Elise says laughing out loud.

"That is so not true !!! They just think I'm too good for them."

I get up from the big pile of mess we made. Picking up the empty chip bags and half empty milkshakes, I take the to the kitchen trash can. Before throwing away the milkshakes I finish the rest. Believe me, definitely would want to waste the declining goodness.

Off to the distance I hear both my best friend and my sister laughing.

"So have you thought about the festival ? Will you go with me ? It will be amazing, trust me." Daan says pleading once he sees me comeback into the room.

"I did talk to my manager about it, they can't let me go. People from work took those days off and they can't find people to work for those days." I listened to the songs he suggested. They were incredible. Apparently there's this music genre called "EDM."  After listening to those songs I had to start a station on pandora based off 'in the name of love.'  They recently added a new one. It was called 'scared to be lonely' Dua is an amazing singer.

"Uhh alright. That's fine, I'll just find someone to go with." sounding disappointed, Elise gives me a pleading look after glancing up at her.

"I think Elise would love to go, if that's okay with you ?" I say with regret. She's my only sister. I couldn't lose her if something wrong happens.

"I'll text you all the details, when we leave ,where we meet up, everything !" Full of excitement he gets up and walks to the door.

"Listen sweets, I have to go back home..... It's getting bright out." he breaths once he sees me right behind him once he opens the door, hitting us with sunshine. Looking out covering my face with my hand, I wonder why he paused to finish his sentence. Did I look that bad ? Did I smell bad ? If I did, he wouldn't have laid right next to me... right ?

"What's wrong ?" I whisper

"Nothing." He smiles "I have to go, I'll text you when I get home." Kissing me on my forehead and wrapping his arms around me with a light squeeze. His warm embrace catches me for a second, squeezing tighter. Like coming home from the cold outdoors, putting on mid-high socks, wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket, and finally grabbing that warm hot chocolate you've been waiting for all day. It's the best feeling ever, right ?

"Alright, stay safe okay ?" Whispering into his chest. Letting go, he states back "see you guys around." smiling before closing the door behind him.

"Date. Date date date date date date date." Finally dragging the 'a' to add a nice touch to the sentence.

"We're just friends, Elise." fuming with frustration, I turn over to look at her.


Okay I KNOW I KNOOOOOOOOW. It's been a year ago since I picked up this fanfic. But shoutout that one person who saved my book recently. I literally forgot about this book till now.  I'm sorry. It's probably not even that important to anyone BUT let me just say this, I finally finished chapter 3 and still no sign of Martin Garrix. BELIEVE ME, HE WILL COME UP SOON !!! I don't want to be those type of fanfics that go straight to the point and doesn't give great details or time.

My fan account for Martin is about to hit 17k what IS GOOD?????????
Want to stalk me ? Do ya do ya ?!?!
Also, I think I'll be updating chapters often BUT NOT REGULARLY.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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