Stone Cold Stare

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"NERO!" You frantically jumped over stairs and struggled not to trip. "Wha? What's wrong (F/N)?" Nero turned to see you speeding toward him. "VERGIL'S TRYING TO KILL ME." You dive foreword and grab onto his coat, pulling him down to sit. Trying your best to hide under the blue and red fabric, you groaned. "Again...? What'd you do this time?" He sighed, and crossed his arms together. "It was just a joke, I didn't expect him to be so mad..." You whimpered and curled your fingers into the leather. "That's what you always say." He shook his head and eyed the stairway, waiting for Vergil to come stomping down.

And he did, with a deadly cold expression, and.... Pink hair?

Vergil calmly walked toward Nero and the pest wriggling under his coat. "Hand her over to me this instant." He commanded calmly, a furious rage shining in his blue eyes. "Sorry V, can't do that." Nero stated as he shook his head, trying his best to hold back a snicker. "If I have to go through you,  I will." He growled and pulled Nero up to stand by the collar of his coat. "I know, but I still can't let you have her. Who knows? You might skin her and make her into a coat." Nero said with a wide smile. "Why, what a wonderful idea, I think I'll do that." Vergil scoffed and shoved Nero aside, focusing his attention on you.

"N-Now Vergil, there's no need for this! I'll fix your hair I swear!" You cowered in fear of the blue-eyed man, inching away. "Yes you will, not only that, I shall trap you in the basement with every decomposing demon corpse I can get." The man said, taking a step foreword that made you flinch. "Now, now V, just let her fix your hair and buy you a pizza, doesn't that sound better?" Nero stepped in, trying to help. Vergil simply shot him a cold glare, and shoved past him, storming up the stairs. "I expect this to be fixed within the hour!" He called.

You immediately shot up and ran out the door, heading for the beauty supply store to buy something to bleach his hair back to normal.

It took you no less than ten minutes, despite the fact the store was a good two blocks away. "I'll get that hair fixed right away Vergil!" You yelled as you ran back into the shop. Running toward the staircase, you rammed right into Dante. "Woah, what's the hurry babe? Gonna fix Strawberry? You should leave him like that, it suits him." He chuckled and ruffled your hair. "Don't have a death wish, so I'll see you in an hour." You huffed, and ran up the stairs. "VERGIL! START TAKING OFF YOUR CLOTHES- I MEAN SHIRT."

"Woah! Someone's getting frisky without me." Dante pouted and headed to the phone to buy a pizza.

"Oh (F/N) when will you learn?" Nero chuckled, shaking his head with a smile.

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