Chapter one

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"Brooke! Wake up!" my mom screamed from downstairs. "I don't want to go to dance!" I screamed back at her. I heard her coming up the stairs to my room. "Brooke you are going no mater what you say" my mom said and walked out of my room. "Whatever" I mumbled and got out of bed. I went to my dance wear draw and scanned it. I found one of my favorites- dance wear. I put my hair in a Sophia Lucia bun and grabbed my dance bag.

I started walking down the stairs and bumped into Josh. "Watch where your going" I said annoyed. "Brooke what happened to you? You actually used to be nice to me" Josh asked. "Nothing! Ok?!" I said and went down the last few steps. I grabbed a banana and a water and ran to the car. I sat in the back away from Paige and my mom. I stared out the window the whole car ride. I drifted off to sleep.

"Brooke!" my mom screamed. I shot up and ran into the studio. Today we had pyramid. "Girls go into studio A" Abby said and I walked into the studio and saw Nick. "Brooke!" Nick said. I ran to him and gave him a hug. "So what are you doing here?" I asked. "I am going to be dancing with you girls this week" Nick said and I smiled. I stood in line for pyramid.

"On the very bottom we have Paige. You forgot your solo once again" Abby said and Paige almost started to cry. "Next we have Nia. You danced very well in the group dance, but in the trio, you didn't have pointed feet" Abby said pulling off the next paper. "Now, we have Kendall. Your solo was okay, but you need to show emotion" Abby said. "Next we have Kenzie. You danced well and didn't pull my eyes in a negative way" Abby said.

'I probably am not even on pyramid this week' I thought. "In the middle we have Brooke. You need to show you care about dance. Dancing well just isn't enough" Abby said and I just stood there. 'I don't want to dance. That's why I don't show that I like dance' I thought. She pulled off Chloe and then Maddie was on top as usual.

"The group dance is called Twilight. Nick will be the vampire and you are all under his spell" Abby said. "For solos we have Maddie. Your dance will be Jazz. It's called Lights Camera Action" Abby said and Maddie smiled wide. "We are going to have a duet with Nick and Chloe" Abby said and I felt jealous. I really 'liked liked' Nick. "The last routine is a trio with Brooke, Maddie, and Brandon." Abby said. 'Brandon is coming too?' I thought.

"Brandon won't be in the group dance though. The trio is about Brooke and Maddie both liking Brandon. In the end Brandon chooses Maddie over Brooke" Abby said and I rolled my eyes. "Now girls and Nick start stretching" Abby said. I started to do my pirouettes perfectly. I heard clapping behind me. It was Nick and I laughed. "Why thank you" I said.

"So, are you excited for the duet with you and Chloe?" I asked. "I would rather you be in the duet instead of Chloe" Nick said and winked. I blushed like crazy and he walked away. 'He probably doesn't mean it' I thought. We practiced to group dance until it was perfect. "Girls, you can take a break" Abby said and I sighed in relief. Nick pulled me to the side.

"Wanna skip practice and go get something to eat?" Nick asked. "Well duh" I said and we sneaked out the back of the studio. I walked to Nick's car and got in. When I sat down, Nick's hand touched mine. "Oh sorry" he said and drove away. "Can we go to Subway?" I asked and he nodded. We pulled into a parking spot.

I jumped out of the car and ran inside with Nick. Nick ordered and we sat down. My phone vibrated. Abby was calling me. I denied the call and continued eating. "Who was that?" Nick asked. "It was Abby" I said.

We finished our food and got back to the studio. "Where were you guys?" Abby asked sounding very mad. "Well Nick and I were hungry so we went to Subway.." I said quietly. "Go into Studio B now, Brooke. Maddie and Brandon need you to work on the duet" Abby said strictly. I waved 'bye' to Nick and walked into Studio B.

"Where the heck were you?" Maddie screamed at me. "None of your business" I said back and started to do my acro tricks I did in the dance. "Well it kind of is my business because it's my trio and we were supposed to start an hour ago." Maddie said kind of still screaming again. "Whatever. I don't even want to dance anymore!" I said and ran out of Studio B. I went to the den and grabbed my dance bag.

I walked home. Once, I got home, I laid on my bed and cried. 'I can't take this anymore' I thought. I changed into my- pajamas . My phone vibrated but I ignored it. I didn't want to talk to anybody.


I woke up and got out of bed. I started to exit my room, but I heard my parents talking. I hid behind the plant and listened closely to their conversation. "Brooke needs to start going to a therapist. I don't know why she is acting this way" my mom said and I got angry. "I don't need a therapist! I did somebody to actually care about me and the only person that does is Nick! At dance I get yelled at the whole day, and when I get home I get yelled at again. I don't need a therapist!" I said and they just stared at me.

"Brooke. Listen, we do care about you" my parents said. "Well if you did care about me I wouldn't be depressed!" I said back almost screaming. I started to walk away crying and saw Paige and Josh. 'They heard everything' I thought. I grabbed a bag and but a bunch of clothes in it. "I'm over to Nick's house, where people actually care about me" I said and slammed the door behind me.

'What did I just do?' I thought. I pulled out my phone and called Nick but he didn't answer. I decided to leave him a voice mail. "Hey. I'm coming over. See ya" I left my voice mail. I ran to Nick's house and took the key that was under the mat. I unlocked the door and saw Nick and Chloe making out on the couch. "N-n-n-n-NICK?" I asked feeling hurt. He turned to me and pushed Chloe off him. "Brooke!" He screamed.

"Wow, I actually thought you liked me the same way I like you" I said tears falling. "Brooke. No, wait!" he said pulling my wrist. "Let me go" I said and ran out the house. My phone vibrated. Chloe sent me a text. I read it out loud "Wow, you actually thought he liked you? Who would like you? That's right, NOBODY!". I started to cry.

I was going to leave. I don't know where but anywhere from Nick and my family is good enough for me.

Just try to never grow up ( brooke hyland fan ficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora