Chapter two

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I honestly did not know where to go. My first thought was Brandon. I couldn't think of anybody else so I dialed Brandon's number into my phone and he picked up and the first ring. "Brooke?" he asked through the telephone. "Hey Brandon. Is it okay if I stay at your house for a few days?" I asked him. "Of course. Do you need me to pick you up?" he asked and I responded with a know.

I picked up my bag and started to walk towards Brandon's house, which was about four blocks away. It was very silent, until I heard thunder. I put my hood up and run to Brandon's house. I tripped over a stump and fell into a puddle. "I have the best luck" I said sarcastically. I walked the remainder of blocks and knocked on his door. He opened the door and I started shivering. "Aw, Brookie Cookie" he said. He wrapped me up in his blanket.

"Thanks Brandon. Are you wondering why I asked to stay here?" I asked. "No problem. And yeah I am surprised" he said. I told him the whole story and he gave me a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Nick is a douche" he said and I nodded. "I have to agree with you on that" I said and we laughed. I yawned. "Goodnight" I said switching to putting my head on the pillow. Brandon covered me and I felt him lay next to me and put his arm around me. I blushed slightly.


I woke up but didn't open my eyes. I heard Brandon walking around. I opened my eyes and sat up. "Morning" we said in unison. I looked at the calendar and realized we had school. "I'm gonna take a shower" I said and Brandon nodded. I walked upstairs and took a long, warm shower. I got out and wrapped the towel around me, tightly.

I went to my suitcase I brought with and looked at all the clothes I brought. Something caught my eye- outfit. I changed into it and walked downstairs. "You look beautiful" Brandon said I tried not to blush. I grabbed my book bag- bag and changed my case- phone case. "I'm gonna leave now. See you when you get to school" I said and ran outside.

I walked to school and saw Nick. "Brooke!" he screamed from the other side of the street, I just ignored him. I didn't want anything to do with him at the moment. He ran to me. "Brooke what happened yest-" he started. I stopped him. "I don't care. I actually thought you cared about me and liked me!" I said and ran the remainder blocks to school.

I walked into the school doors and sighed. I walked to my locker and grabbed my books, folders, and notebooks. I reached for my pencil case on the top of my locker, but I couldn't reach it because I am so short. "Need help?" Brandon asked and we both laughed. "Yes please" I said doing a puppy dog face. He laughed and grabbed my pencil case and walked away. I shut my locker and turned around and saw Chloe and Nick holding hands. I just rolled my eyes and walked to class.

I sat down and started drawing in my notebook. I kind of listened to the teacher. "Today, class we are going to be starting a book report. I will pair you up with one other person. One group with have three." Mr. Evans said. He continued talking "The group with three with be Nick, Chloe, and Brooke". I rolled me eyes. 'I have the worst of luck' I thought.

Nick turned around and smiled at me. I raised my hand."May I go to the bathroom?" I asked and the teacher nodded. I exited the room and walked to the bathroom and the other side of the hall. I walked in and went in the toilet. I heard people coming in the bathroom. "Chloe, are you and Nick dating yet?" I heard Maddie said. I was hoping Chloe would say no.

"Well he told me after school, he had something very important to tell me" Chloe said and I heard her and Maddie jumping up and down. I walked out of the stall and Chloe and Maddie just stared at me. "So, Nick kissed you yesterday?" Maddie asked making sure I heard. Chloe nodded. "Then, Brooke walked in on us" Chloe said and they both laughed. I got furious and walked out the bathroom.

I walked back into class and Nick stared at me. 'I still have feelings for him' I thought.


I stood in the lunch line, waiting. "What would you like to eat?" one of the lunch moms asked. "Can I please have a salad and a water?" I asked. The lady nodded and handed me my food. I looked around the lunch room and saw Brandon waving at me. I smiled and walked over to his table. "Hey Brookie!" he said. "Hey Brandy" I said and we both smiled. 'Did I just call him Brandy? Wow, Brooke' I thought.

I ate my lunch in silence and somebody tapped my shoulder. I turned around and it was Nick. "Why do you have to keep on bothering her?" Brandon asked. "I am not bothering her" Nick said in defense. "Uh yeah, you are bothering. Can't you just leave me alone? Your going to ask Chloe out today anyways. So stop trying to get me to like you again!" I said and started to stand up and walk away.

Nick pulled me back by the wrist. "I was going to tell her that I don't have feelings for her. And that I have feelings for you!" Nick said and I scoffed. "You lied to me once, so I am never ever going to trust you again. Go make out with Chloe or something. Just stay away from me because you already hurt me enough" I said and ran out of the lunch room.

"Brooke!" I heard Josh call after me. He caught up to me. "Is it true? The reason you are being like this is because your depressed?" Josh asked and I shrugged. "I just want everything to be back where it was. Where Brandon and Nick we my friends and not my crushes. And where people actually cared about me and I was happy" I said the tears almost coming.

"Brooke. I miss the old you. I miss you at the house. Can we have the good relationship we did back then?" Josh asked and I nodded. He gave me a hug. "Don't tell Paige I said this but your my favorite sister" Josh said and we both laughed. "Now get up and let's go get some good lunch. This food here tastes the crap" Josh said and I stood up. "Okay!" I said and Josh and I walked to the exit doors.

'Maybe things can go back to normal' I thought. I got in the car and my phone vibrated. "Who's that?" Josh asked. "It's Chloe" I said and unlocked my phone and answered the phone call. "Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Stay away from Nick and Brandon. They both like me and you will never have a chance with them. Not that I even like them. I like Josh. And you better make him like me back. If you don't then I will black mail you. Remember back then, when you were geeky and nerdy? Well I have pictures and videos or you when you were like that. And if you don't get Josh to ask me out then I will send those videos to everybody in the school. Got it bitch? Bye." Chloe said and hung up.

'This can't be happening' I thought.

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