Angel of Seriy High

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"They're here!!" a guy shouted from upstairs and he quicky pushes the others in the hallway to make way. All the students look at the stairs and waited impatiently for the awaited people to come down. Just then, 4 beautiful girls came down the stairs while talking and joking with each other. When they realized that all eyes are on them, the smiled and bow.
"Goodmorning.." and just continue talking to each other. All the other students gawking at them because of the greetings they just gave. Suddenly a two guys walked to the girls and made them stop their steps. They looked at the two guys, confused. Seconds later, the guys hold out a box to one of them, shyly. Its weird because guys are the one who's supposed to receive those kind of gift but in Seriy High, the girls are so popular even other girls adore them. They smiled at the boys and before they could say thank you, the guys ran away to the hallway and went into one of the classroom. They look at each other confusingly and just giggled because they were embarrased.

"I think we need to get another place to put all these." Taeyeon said while holding the gift she got from other students earlier.
"I know. Our lockers will crash down if we keep thrusting these things into it." Mina said, arranging the gift she got neatly in her locker and take out her textbooks out for the morning class.
"Just take them home after school. Then you'll have empty lockers for the next day's gifts." The others looked at Angela and blink their eyes.
"What?" She closed her lockers and walked away.
"I swear I'm gonna knock her head so hard that she will regain her consiousness back." Tiffany said with her fluent english. Taeyeon and Mina laughed and they ran to catch up with Angela.

"Hey girls!"
"Goodmorning!" two boys walked in class while the girls were chit chatting. they looked up.
"Hey Chanyeol. Goodmorning Baekhyun." they said in unison.
"I'm so sleepy." Baekhyun said while giving a peck on Taeyeon's cheeks. "Morning" he said. Taeyeon smiled. Well they were kinda the most famous couple in the school so everyone was used to their skinship.
"Did you guys stay up again?" Mina asked Chanyeol who was standing beside her. The second most favourite couple. Or you can say the most noisiest couple because they always argues with each other but thats what everyone thought was cute.
"Yeah." Chanyeol said while scratching the back of his neck.
"Yahh!! Did I tell you to stop staying up too late? You will dozed out in class again." Mina hit Chanyeol's head. "Ouch! I didn't want to but he forced me." Chanyeol pointed to Baekhyun. Baekhyun innocently shrugged. Before Mina could say anything, the teacher came in and asked them to sit down.

"I see that Minyoung came back today. How was your trip?" Mrs.Jung looked at Angela. Angela smiled back.
"It was okay. My mom send her regards to you." She said. The teacher nodded.
"Tell her to come and visit. I didnt see her for almost two years now."
"I will Mrs.Jung." Angela smiled. And Mrs.Jung started her class.

A/N: There goes the first chapter. I hope I didn't dissapoint anyone. *scratches head*

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