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Angela and Taehyung walked around Hongdae for the date as it was Angela's favourite place. She didnt even know why but she really liked the place. Many teenagers their age go there to release their stress and it kinda was to Angela too. They talked almost all the way to Hongdae. They bought many things. When they realised the time, it was actually 11 already when they decided to have dinner.

"Angie?" a voice called. Angela and Taehyung turned around to find the voice. Angela's eyes widened with surprise. Taehyung saw the shocked expression but he didnt say anything. He just looked at the guy who was approaching them.

"Kris.." Angela said slowly. And she smiled. Taehyung didnt really understand the smile but he knew something was hidden behind it.

"I knew it was you! How are you doing?" Kris kissed Angela's cheeks when he came. Angela accept the kiss awkwardly since she was with Taehyung. The only guys Taehyung ever seen giving a kiss to Angela was her father and he brother.

"I'm fine. Never been better." Kris looked at Taehyung and made Angela looked at him too.

"Oh this is Kim Taehyung. My boyfriend. This is Kris. My... " she hesitated. " senior..." Kris smiled and offers a hand to Taehyung. Taehyung replied the smile and accepted the handshake. Taehyung did feel weird at first, with Angela's strange behaviour but he just brushed away the thoughts.

"What are you guys doing here?" Kris asked.

"Just walking around. We're just about to go." Angela said.

"Ahh.." Kris nodded. Then he looked at Taehyung.

"I think I've seen you somewhere.. Have we met before?" He asked him. Taehyung was obviously confused by the sudden question. Angela immediately looked at Taehyung.

"I'm sorry but I dont think so." Taehyung gave an awkward smile. Kris just chuckled.

"No its okay. I think I've mistaken you for someone else. Sorry."

"Oppa... I think we..... V!!!" a girl suddenly came to Kris and she literally screamed when she saw Taehyung.


"V! I never thought I'd see you again." This time, its Angela's turn to be confuse.

"Oh so thats why I felt his face was so familiar. This is the guy in the picture right?" Kris asked Kiera. Kiera nodded excitingly. Taehyung smiled.

"This is my bestfriend, Kiera. My girlfriend, Angela." Taehyung said to introduce them. He was so stunned by the sudden meeting and he didnt even get to ask who Kris was.

"Well I see you met my boyfriend already so I think I dont have to introduce him but I'm Kiera. Taehyung's bestfriend from Daegu." Angela smiled and nodded a few times. After that, the talked for a few minutes then parted ways as Angela needs to get back to practicing, she said.

They were both quiet in the car and no one make a move to speak first. But Taehyung was so annoyed by the silence so he started the conversation.

"I'm not gonna ask who he was if you dont want to talk about it. I trust you. And besides, it doesnt really concern me anyway." Angela looked at him. In her mind, she was calculating whether she should tell him or not but another question popped up in her mind.

"I didnt know you had a girl friend before." She said and Taehyung smirked. 'That sounded wrong and jealous in a cute way.'

"You mean a girl BESTFRIEND?" he asked.

"Yeah whatever you call that." she said. Taehyung chuckled.

"Well I didn't really think it would matter cause I didn't think we would meet again anyway. But well this happens. Why? Are you jealous?" he asked again, teasing Angela.

"Shut up Tae." she said annoyed at Taehyung. But Taehyung knew she was jealous but she tried not to show him. When they reached Angela's house, Angela quickly get off the car. Taehyung followed her and grabbed her hand.

"Hey.." Taehyung said trying to get her to look at his face but Angela avoided the contact.

"I'm still older than you Tae."

"Want me to call you noona?" he said in a teasing voice. Angela glared at him

"Okay. No. So I'm calling you anything I want." he said playfully. Again Angela glared at him. He chuckled.

"Okay sorry. Do you want me to tell you about Kiera?" he asked seriously.Angela thought for a second.

"I'd rather not hear it." She said, avoiding his eyes.

"I figured." Taehyung chuckled. " So I wont ask you to tell me anything about Kris, if you dont want to." he said and touches her chin to make her look at him but she refuses.

"Angel..." a rarely called name that made her look into his eyes in the blink of an eye. Those eyes that can make her drown into the gaze.

"Okay.. " she said.

"Come on. Lets get you to bed. You need to rest well." They walked inside and was greeted by Mr.Park who was about to walk up the stairs.

"Oh you're home." he said. Taehyung greeted him with a smile on his face.

"You look tired Taehyung. How about you sleep here." he said and made both Taehyung and Angela's eyes widened. Well that was unusual.

"I'm --" Taehyung was about to refused but Mr.Park insisted.

"Its okay. Its not like you're a stranger. You're welcome anytime." he said smiling meaningfully.

"Thank you," he was thankfull not because he was invited to sleep over but it was because he was welcome in the house.

"Dont mention it. You could sleep in the guest room if you want but I doubt that." Mr.Park said chuckling. Angela and Taehyung's face got hoter by the comment.

"You can sleep anywhere you want. If it was someone else's bedroom, I suggest you ask the owner first." he smirked.

"Dad!!" Angela blushed even harder.

"I will. Thank you again." Taehyung scratch his head and smiled awkwardly.

"Make yourself at home. Goodnight." he said and walked up the stairs.

"Goodnight." Both of them said.

"I dont really care where you want to sleep just dont bother me at night." Angela said and walked away. Those words were like a green light to Taehyung so he smiled and follow Angela up the stairs to her bedroom.


A/N: here's the next chapter. I dont even know how the story even go. It didnt even match. 😂

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