year 11

23 3 1

"you know, your neighbor is really annoying," complained Alex after school one day. "all he does is yell at me for doing things wrong, and then he laughs when i miss easy shots. i think i'm gonna join another team," he pouted, picking at the grass on my front lawn.

"oh, don't mind him, he's probably just annoyed that you're better than him,"  i consoled. "don't quit the team though, you worked so hard to get on it, especially since it's supposed to be for seventh and eighth graders and you're only in sixth grade. and anyway, Jason's a meanie," i finished matter-of-fact-ly. 

we continued with our usual routine of complaining about school, and teachers, and homework, and lacrosse teams, and cello lessons, and neighbors.

"hi kids!" chirped kathy from her car window as she passed by on her way home from work. "you look like you're having fun! i'll run home and grab Jason, i'm sure he'd love to join you guys!"

Alex and i gave each other wary glances, before smiling back at kathy, pretending to be excited about the new addition to our not-so-usual-routine-anymore. before either of us could say 'yay,' a bored looking Jason was standing in front of us, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else in the world.

"listen, i don't want to be here any more than you want me to be," spoke Jason for the first time since he'd arrived. "but my mom says i hafta, so let's make the most of it," he said pulling out his ipod and ear buds. "you guys keep doing what you do, and i'll be over here pretending that i care," he said plopping down a few feet away, already plugged in and oblivious to our on-goings.

we shrugged and continued with our usual routine of complaining about school, and teachers, and homework, and lacrosse teams, and cello lessons, and especially neighbors.

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