year 12

22 3 0

"ughhhhh!! it's the first day of school and Jason's already got a girlfriend," i complained to Alex after seventh period on my first day of middle school.

"yeah well he's in eighth grade now, and he thinks he's some kind of hot shot," said Alex, trying to make me feel better.

"but i didn't even know he hangs out with girls! i was always his only girl friend, and then when he stopped hangin' out with me i figured he was just afraid of cooties or something."

"well he stopped hanging out with you for the same reason that he's got a girlfriend now. he's a mighty eighth grader, and he doesn't want to be seen with noob sixth and seventh graders like us."

"wait does that mean you're gonna stop hanging out with me next year??" my heart sinking at the thought of losing my best friend.

"nah, i wouldn't do that to you, you're my best friend!" i sighed in relief at the notion of his reciprocated feelings. 

"good. and i don't even understand what Jason sees in her, i mean she's not even that pretty!" i exclaimed. "you know what? i don't even know why i care so much."

"i do," he said, glancing at me smugly. "it's because you like him"

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