Chapter Three

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Gotta love my homie snart but if we marry, he gets my last name ok i'm not going to be called Margo Snart that's just not happening

Chapter Three

The man kicked the ice that kept me prisoner, making it shatter and allow my feet to freely move. He then took hold of my arm, and jerked me to walk along with him. 

"You were at an unlucky place at an unlucky time." He stated as he held tighter to my arm as I tried to slip out of his grip. "And now, you're my hostage until The Flash shows up." He scoffed, "Unlucky you."

I was at loss for words. Surely this was a joke.

This was totally not a joke.

"What the hell even are you?" I asked as I stumbled slightly, and he jerked me up, beckoning me to walk.

"What does it look like?" He replied, with a bit of humor in his tone, "I'm the man who could end your life tonight, so I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you." Just as he spoke, the police sirens were now in physical form, as they raced down the road. I suspected that they noticed the ice on the ground, but was unable to stop quick enough. Two of the police cars slipped on the ice, causing the drivers to lose control and crash into each other. 

The man who was currently holding me hostage, looked pleased at the outcome.

"It won't be long now." He said, mainly to himself. I honestly had no idea what or who he was waiting for, but I really didn't want to find out.

"Please." I begged as I once again tried to ease my arm out from his tight suffocating grip, "Just let me go."

"You and I both know that's not going to happen until I get what I want."

"And what do you want?" I asked, nearly breathless from fear.

He looked over at me, though he was wearing some strange pair of glasses, we were definitely making eye-contact, "I want The Flash."

I was in shock. The Flash. 

Could he be talking about The Streak?  That odd thing that has been going around the city and fighting crime. There are random pictures of him on the internet. He moves so quickly there isn't any available shots of him that's clear. But he is definitely in the form of a man.

But it's no human to move so quickly, so surely he wasn't a human.

"How are you so sure The Flash will come?" I questioned, as my teeth chattered from the cold, and from intense anxiety.

"Because he always does."

This man, obviously was insane.  I wasn't even sure what to do but to stand there, and allow things to go his way.

"Snart!" I heard a voice yell, we both looked over to see a man in a red suit. The suit looked ridiculous, but I realized really quickly this was him.

This was the incredible Streak.

The guy, who I assumed name was Snart, -which by the way, is the most awkward name I've ever heard of- held onto me tight, as he wrapped his arm around my neck pulled me in front of him.

"What are you going to do, Flash?" He said smugly, "I've got a girl here." He pointed the gun to my head, "One move and she's ice."

Me and the Flash made eye contact. He was definitely a man in a costume.

A man with superpowers.

I'd be freaking out in excitement, if I wasn't currently on the verge of death by freeze gun.

"Let her go." The Flash ordered, he sounded young.

"Sorry friend, no can do." He backed away, along with me, a grin on his face, "You understand, right?"

"Don't make me force you."

"Wouldn't dream of it." He suddenly aimed the gun at the Flash, and shot it. Luckily, the Flash managed to dodge the ice, but by less than not even half a second.

I took this as my chance to make an escape. I started to fight, kick, punch, but Snart was incredibly strong, at least his grip was.

Why didn't I just bear through my mother and sisters's rude comments? I could be safe right now, watching a movie I didn't give two shits for. Eating cookies that I didn't even want, but was just eating them to pass the time.

I could be just unhappy, instead of unhappy and scared.

The Flash ran up to Snart, and managed to hit him, making him stumble slightly, but with me still in his arms.

That really pissed him off.

"You asked for it." He said, as he aimed the gun at me, "Sorry sweetheart, but I tried to warn him." The next thing I knew, my body felt as if it were being stabbed with numbness and cold pain. 

He shot me.

I couldn't move my body, as it was quickly freezing to death. 

I began to lose consciousness, as I managed to see Snart run away, and the Flash was at my side. He began shouting in some earpiece, "Cisco, a woman has been shot by Snart, what do I do?" Pause. "A hospital isn't going to help her in time, she's dying!" Pause. "Then I'm bringing her to the lab."

And then everything went dark. 

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