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Divine deftly unbuttoned his shirt while she straddled his hips, gasping as she revealed his perfectly chiseled pale chest underneath the flannel.

"Ooooh, RJ. Where'd you get those pecs?"

His blush spread from his face down to his neck.

"Whenever I could feel myself getting aroused, I would go to the gym and work out. And somehow, the habit stuck. I have a set of weights at home that I use whenever the urge strikes."

Divine licked her lips as she continued to unbutton his shirt revealing the rest of his perfect chest. She ran her hands around his chest, tracing the lines of his six-pack.

"I'm so glad you did. You just look absolutely delicious!"

She bent to run her tongue across his torso, connecting the moles on his clavicle and chest to his brown nipples. She nipped the tight peaks before sucking them into her mouth causing his breath to hitch.

"You like that, RJ?"

He looked at her with his eyes open wide, his hands fisting the bed covers as he tries to come to terms on what he's feeling. 

"You want more?"

He eagerly nodded his head as he lay there taking everything in.

Divine scooted downwards until she's eye level with his crotch. She deftly opened his belt and bent to take the zipper with her teeth, pulling it down slowly while locking eyes with RJ. She could feel his hardness poking through the zipper, straining the material.

When she managed to free his erection, she can't seem to take her eyes off his marvelous appendage. In her line of work, she has seen her own share of cocks--small ones, long ones, thick ones. Name it, she has seen it. But seeing his wondrous sex up close and knowing that it this will be the first time it will taste pussy makes her feel very privileged and special. She wants to make it memorable for him and she will strive to make sure he will never forget her.

She grips his shaft at the base and tentatively touches the flared crest with her tongue, noting his musky and earthy flavor. He is her first virgin and now she knows why people go gaga over the sexually uninitiated. Their essence is one that she has not tasted before and it can get quite addicting if she's not careful. Delicious is the first word that came into her mind when her tongue rasped against the length of his rod. It was ambrosia to her senses conjoined with the thought that he was untouched. She felt dizzy from the power she now yields and her sex clenched further at the image. Nicomaine wants this man more than she has wanted any human being before. 

Pulling down his jeans down his hips to further reveal his sex, she nuzzled his cock as she cradled his balls in her palms. She deftly took each one in her mouth, alternating one after the other. Smiling as she hears him groan in response to her ministrations.

RJ managed to pull the bed sheet free from its fittings as he tries to anchor himself from the heavenly feeling of her mouth that is threatening to claim his sanity. Sweat drips from his forehead soaking the pillow, gritting his teeth to keep himself from cumming too soon. It was too luscious. It was too good. No past sensation can describe the pleasure he is now experiencing with this angel who is servicing him. 

Divine returns her attention to his bulbous head, noting the smooth flared tip which is oozing with precum. She takes a swipe with her tongue loving his salty-sweet taste. Without any warning, she took the mushroom tip into her mouth, hollowing her cheeks to suck him hard. She then brought her head downwards, engulfing his whole shaft with our warm and wet mouth.

RJ forgot to breath the next few seconds. To feel his shaft being inundated with such warmth and wetness makes him want to cum and cum without stopping...and that he did. The instance he felt the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat, he exploded in rapture, flooding her throat with his cream that is ladened with his innocence. He could feel her swallow which caused her to constrict further around his sex. He grunted loudly as he could feel her sucking every ounce of his juice from his shaft causing his body to jerk and spasm almost throwing her off.

She held on tightly on his hips as she felt him convulse, drinking his orgasm which tasted like ambrosia which she knew would change her. And she could feel herself changing at each sip and each swallow.

After draining him dry, she gently pulled his softening cock from her mouth and smiled at him.

"You're so delicious, RJ."

He blushed at her words. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cum so fast. It's just, it felt so good..."

Maine chuckled. "If you didn't cum as fast as you did, it means I already lost my touch. No need to apologize."

"But what about you?"

"I'm sure you'll be up and ready in no time. In the meantime, I should teach you how to eat pussy."

And the red light of the camera continued to blink as it recorded the whole scene.


Author's Note: Apologies for the long wait. I thought I'll be able to finish this soon but my other fics took my time. Hopefully, I can finish this soon especially with the long weekend coming up. 

In the meantime, please also visit the anthology that I write with hdrmd24 and RM020316. Head on over at teamSMH to read I, ACHE. We now have two installments published. Feel free to help yourselves.

You can also tweet me @sunshi_fairy. Please also vote or leave a comment below. I love hearing from you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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