how he hugs you

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  Ponyboy: His hugs are long and loving. He will sometimes sway back and forth with you slightly. He enjoys holding you in his arms.

  Sodapop: He will come up behind you and surprise hug you, and since you never expect them you always squeak which makes him chuckle.

  Darry: Darry's hugs and short yet you can tell how loving they are. Even if they are brief he always leaves you with a warm feeling in your heart making you smile.

  Two-bit: Two-bit loves to pick you up and spin you around. He loves feeling you cling to him and hear you giggle, and most of the time he will crack a joke at the end of it.

  Johnny: Johnny loves to hold you as close as possible. He always makes you feel protected and safe when you're in his arms.

  Dally: His hugs are short and sweet. With Dally being the tough guy and all he doesn't really like to show affection, though you are always able to get through his hard shell.

  Steve: Steve would run at you and pick you up, and you would wrap your legs around his waist as he nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck giving it small kisses.

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