how you cuddle

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Ponyboy: you would curl into a ball and he would curl around you. You would nuzzle your face into his chest and close your eyes. You wouldn't kiss or anything you would just enjoy each other's presence.

Sodapop: Soda would pull you close so your back was pressed against his chest and stomach. You two would listen to nice music and slowly take a nap.

Darry: He would lay you on his chest and play with your hair and you smile and start to doze off. He would mumble loving words in your ear to help you fall asleep and he would stay like that until he fell asleep.

Two-bit: Two-bit would turn on mickey mouse as you lay your head on his arm then you would lay one of your legs over his waist. You two would stay like that until you fell asleep.

Johnny: you two would often lay in the lot, you would nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck as you wrap your arms loosely around his neck and he would wrap his arms around your waist. You two would some time star gaze but more often that not you would just nap away the day. ((You two are like cats! :3))

Dally: Dally is not a cuddly person at all. But some how you can get him to cuddle some times. If you ever got this to happen he would curl around you mumble "you're welcome" and hold you close to him. You would just smile and take a nap as Dally watched everything, becoming VERY protective of you.

Steve: Steve would normally just let you lay across him watching a TV show or eating cake. Who knows with him.

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