Chapter 16 - Game Plan.

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Cara's POV

"Ok so, what are we gonna do?" We were both sitting down by the dining room table. Today we were going to plan about Harry's text which he sent to Kendall.

I still can't believe he would do this. I was and still am beyond shocked on what he has sent. What kind of sick person would do this? I swear if he lays on finger on Kendall or her family, I'll amputate his entire hand. I'm not even kidding. Maybe I should keep a knife with me at all times, you know, just in case anything happens this week. Maybe Harry lied about Kendall having only one week to figure everything out. He might kidnap Kendall out of nowhere. That's why I have to keep my eye on her 24/7. I don't mind watching that beauty. God, I can't imagine my life without her.. Oh god what would I do. Id be so angry at myself for not protecting her. Id never forgive myself, never. Just the though of her not being here anymore.. My life would be so empty, so dull and lonely. I would never ever be happy, never. What if-

"Cara? Are you ok? You've been day dreaming for like three minutes now?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by her voice. "Huh? O-0h sorry Kendall, I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Concerned was written all over her face. "Just u-hm.. Uhh-" I couldn't finish as the words were stuck in my throat. I can't tell her.

"Cara, you don't have to tell me. Maybe another time ok love?" I just nodded. Two seconds later, tears start flowing from my eyes. "Ohh Cara, come here."

I moved to Kendall and sat on her lap. I laid my head onto her shoulder with my legs crossed on top of hers. Tears were now streaming down my face and onto her shoulder.

"It's Harry, isn't it." Kendall asked while stroking my back. I nodded. She kissed my forehead and let it linger for a few seconds. Now that calmed me down.

"Don't worry my love, everything's going to be ok. I promise. We will tell my family and your family in secret. They will keep their mouths shut about it and we'll work out a game plan. I'm pretty sure Harry has some back up to, in case anything goes wrong."

I stopped crying and sat up to look at Kendall. "So, what's the game plan?" I asked with a devious smirk. I can't wait to rip Harry's ars off and stick it to his-

"Cara, you do realize that your saying what you're thinking." Shit. "You just did it again." Now I'm pretty sure I'm flushed. I couldn't say anything, so I just face palmed my face hard.

We both giggled and I sat back down on my own seat. "Ok, here's what we're going to do."

"Number one. I'm going to pretend to break up with you, Cara."

"Number two. When I fly to London, you are going to fly with me, but you have to sit somewhere else ok? So that when Harry picks me up, he doesn't see you."

"Number three. Kanye, Rob, Caitlyn, Scott and Tyga are going to take the next flight straight to London after we did."

"Number four. Once I have settled in Harry's apartment, I'm going to lead him to an alley. And if he has back up with him, that's where our back up comes in. If he does not have back up, then it'll be easy for our guys to restrain him."

"Number five. That's when you come in Cara. When the guys have him tight and unable to escape, I want you to take me away from there right after you have called the police."

This is amazing. Perfect idea Ken, nice one. "Kendall you are a fucking genius! I never thought that you'd be able to think all of this?"

"Oh I actually dreamt most of this last night." "Oh geez, really??" Thank you, dream. I would've never been able to think all of this.

"Yeah, it's weird, I know." "Oh no I didn't say it's weird, I was just thinking that I would've never been able to think all of this. I would've probably thought of something like I don't know, something stupid like make him drink his own piss or something."

Kendall burst out laughing and so did I. "Wow Cara, your imagination is just bizarre." "I know," I said to her and winked.

"Wait, when are we going to tell our families? And when are you going to leave?" I asked, sounding extremely stupid.

"We can meet up with my family tomorrow. Ill ask if we can go out for lunch. But where is your family?"

"My family is on holiday. They went to the Maledives." Oh.. Wait..

"Oh.. Yea then how are we going to tell them?" Something just hit me.

"Kendall.. Um.. Little problem.. Our families don't know that we're dating."


Kendall's POV

"Kendall.. Um.. Little problem.. Our families don't know that we're dating."

That sentence really impacted me. Oh god.. I completely forgot about telling my family this. They don't even know that we're dating.. More importantly, they don't know that I'm gay! Are they even going to accept me? Will Kris be a homophobic bitch? Wait.. Will the world accept me? Will they stop my modeling contract because I'm gay? Will my friends and fans hate me? Will I hate myself?

I'm not comfortable enough. I can't do this.

But you have to Kendall!

I can't

Kendall, it's now or never! What about Harry? If you don't tell your family, then you won't be able to be free from Harry! They must know!

But what about my reputation?

Who cares! You have to do this for yourself! You have to learn to love and respect yourself. That's the most important thing in the entire world. Love yourself.

The good side of my brain took over and won the war.

"Kendall? Are y-you scared? We don't have to tell your family if you're not comfortable enough?"

I have to. "Cara, it's fine. I have to tell them sooner or later anyways. Plus, I think they already know. How else did Harry find out? Paparazzi probably caught us when you asked me out."

Those last few words still makes my heart beat outrageously fast. I could never forget that day. Whenever I think about Cara going down on one knee, asking me out, it melts me.

I could see that Cara was hiding her face. She looked so cute blushing. She's so adorable.

I stood up and walked over to Cara. I sat on her lap and wrapped my arms around her neck.

Her arms now around my back holding me tight, I lean forward letting our heads touch. I closed my eyes and let the moment stick with me till I die. I cherish every single moment of us being together. You mean so much to me, it's unbelievable.

I leaned in, and slowly connected our lips.


Hello fellow readers.
So I said that it would take time for me to update again based on my schedule, but I took time out today to write this long chapter you guys deserve! I feel bad for making you guys wait, so to make up for it, I made it a bit longer than usual!
Thank you to every single one of you who has read my story till this point, it means a lot to me!
Trust me, this story only gets better! Stay tuned for more and thank you once again for your support! I have a lot of ideas already so the end is nowhere near😊
PS. Please do not forget to vote and leave a comment💜

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