Chapter 20 - Your Presence.

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Long chapter! Enjoy🕊


Cara's POV

I walked through the back entrance of the building. It was a beautiful building. The walls were made of bricks just stacked onto each other with cement. They were stuck. They can't break apart unless something hard slams onto it. Maybe Harry's dick, when his hands are all over my beauty. Gross.

I walked into my old apartment which I have lived in for only 3 years until I moved to LA a few months ago.

It smelled just like me. I walked around the apartment slowly, making sure everything's still there.

And indeed it was. I never sold my apartment because I wanted to keep it whenever I had to be in London for any business. I left everything the way it was before I left.

I turned to the left and looked at my clock. 22:48. Kendall should be with Harry now. I wonder what they're doing. Harry's probably making Kendall very uncomfortable. He's probably giving her a very hard time.

I can't stand all the things he's planning on doing to her. Touch her. Kiss her. Hold her. Ug. It sickens me, a lot. If only I could run to her apartment and grab her away from Harry. If only I could hold Kendall right in front of Harry and kiss her right in front of him, just to make him feel even worse.

All my guys are already sleeping. They arrived a few hours ago and crashed immediately. Im not able to sleep. I can't sleep with such an empty bed. I need Kendall's warmth. I need her body against mine. I need her.

Can I text her? Maybe she's busy.. Maybe Harry might see.. God. Maybe I should post something on Instagram.. Just to hint something to her...


Kendall's POV

"Harry please," I said as Harry was trying to lie on top of me. "Come on babe, I love you." Yeah right. If you loved me you wouldn't do this and just let me go. "Please Harry, tomorrow. I'm too tired." I said trying to sound innocent without trying to annoy him.

He stole one kiss on my cheek and got off me. "Fine, tomorrow." He winked. "I'm going to bed love," Don't call me that. You don't even sound sexy. "Night Harry," "Aren't you coming?" "Yeah I will, I just need some time by myself for a few minutes."

With that he just nodded and left. Wait, didn't he say that he was staying at Louis' place? Where is he?

I decided to go on my phone to check all my messages etc. Two from Kris, and a bunch from Khloe and Kim. A missed call from Kourtney and a bunch of selfies from Kylie with her new 'lip kit' that she's creating.

I left all of those and went to Instagram. As I scrolled, one popped out immediately. Cara had just posted a new picture. It captioned 'Hit me a text, let me know ya home alone. K?'

I immediately smiled at the caption. The K meant Kendall and I knew that she's hinting me to text her. I looked around just to make sure Harry wasn't here. He's gone.

I walked outside to the street and sat down on one of the benches across the street. I decided to use this opportunity to rather call the love of my life.

"Kendall! Are you ok? Did he hurt you?!" "I'm fine Car, he just makes me uncomfortable. Babe I miss you so much.. Please come outside"
"Where are you my love?"
"I'm across the street sitting in the dark. Harry is sleeping."
"I'm coming love."

I looked up the building to our floor to check for anything suspicious. Nothing.

As I breathed out, the cold arresting my warm breath away like fog. My eyes tearing up, unable to roll down my cheek because of the capturing cold. My hands now pale and boney, revealing blue lines only meaning that my veins are trapped inside my hands, waiting to be heated up. My jaw chattering up and down, sounding like a skeleton having a conversation with another. Shivers sent down my spine every few seconds.

Blonde hair bouncing on her shoulders, arms swaying next to her slim sides, feet moving quickly my direction. Her head moved up. Her blue eyes piercing through mine. Her lips moving ever so slightly to the one side, now a beautiful smile. God I'm so in love with you. My head said as I started to bite my lip at the thought that she's all mine. Only mine.

As Cara came closer to me, she stopped right in front of me, with her head very close to mine, our lips inches away. My eyes closed as I rested my arms on her broad shoulders, reciprocated by her arms around my waist pulled in tightly.

"I missed you Ken. It's so hard not to be with you, knowing that you're so close to me." I put my hand on her cheek and caressed it gently with the tip of my thumb. "Cara, every time Harry has touched me, I wanted to swat it away with a fly swatter. His touch is as cold as ice, yours is as hot as fire. His look is as evil as Trump, yours is as hypnotizing as a snake. He's slowly killing me with his fucking presence. Can we make tomorrow as quick as possible so that we can be alone and in peace?"

"Of course my love." With that, her lips connected with mine. The movement synced together perfectly, like we're made for each other. Kissing expresses our love not only by feeling, but also by sound.

Her lips are so powerful in many ways. It tells others how they feel about you. It can tell people that they love you. Using that same part, kissing your lover is another way of telling them that they love you.

Her lips are like a drug. It makes me feel weak and strong at the same time. Her love makes me feel powerful, knowing that she's mine and that I need to protect whenever.

Electric feels are so intensely warming in my body. I feel so at ease when my lips touch hers. I feel so good inside.

Our lips still slowly going with the flow, I pull back for us to breathe. "Cara," I started to whisper. "I think we should get back."

As I wait for her response, she agrees. "I agree Ken. It's late, we should get going. We don't know, Harry might've woken up and could be looking for you."

When she announced his name, I felt the warmness in my body sink to the floor like an elevator dropping to the ground. "Shit. You're right. Let's go."

We walked across the empty and cold street, surprised that there are no people around, nor paparazzi. Cara decided to walk to the entrance of my building first.

Still hand in hand, we turn to each other. "I'll see you in a few, ok babe?" I said to her. "See you in a few." With that, we embrace each other. I hugged her hard.

I walked in slowly to my bedroom where Harry's snoring is painful to my ears. Can you snore any louder? You sound like a fucking oger.

I was relieved that he was sleeping, or else I would've been in deep trouble. I slipped in on the other side and pulled the duvet over me.

Tomorrow's gonna be a long day.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I put a lot of effort in it to try and sound a bit more descriptive (I hope I did). Guys please let me know if you like this chapter, it would really mean a lot. And please vote, not only will it make me update faster, but it will help my carry on with it. I love you guys all and thank you for staying with me since the beginning!

There will be a few more chapters left before I complete it and move towards BOOK II. Stay tuned!

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