Chapter 9

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After training Derek leads me down a hallway. It's not the one that leads me back to my room. This one is white.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see." Derek says.

We come to wooden double doors. We step through. We stand in an empty room. Well, except the weird footprint indent on the floor.

"Please step on the footprints." Derek says pointing to the floor where the footprints are.

I slowly walk to them. I place my feet in them. They're bigger than my feet. Big metal things come out of the ground and clasp around my feet, I can't move. Then the ceiling opens up and a machine with a big needle. It goes to my arm and starts scratching at my skin. It leaves ink marks on my skin. When it's done it goes back into the ceiling and the clasps go back into the ground. I step away from the footprints. I look at my arm. 

"What does it mean?" I ask.

"It's your number. Also, in the ink is a tracker." Derek says.

He rolls up his sleeve and I see his.


"You come right after me. The people with the lower numbers have been here longer." He says.

"You were the last before me." I say.

He nods. "No need to worry about it. We all get the same treatment."

He leads me back out of the room.
Derek stands over me.

"Come on." He says.

"Where are we going?" I ask getting out of bed.

"We have someone new coming. We are seeing what group their in." He takes my hand.

I follow him out of the building. I was only out here once. When I first came to this place. It was only 3 days ago. I see the bus pull up. It doesn't look like the bus I came in. It must be from a different building. A little girl is led out of the bus. She is shaking as she walks into the stage.

"Welcome Zu Gerso. She is a Peacemaker." The same man that arose next to be says.

There are claps from one group. Zu walks over to them. I lean closer to Derek.

"How do they know she is a PeaceMaker?" I ask.

Derek leans to me. "She's very persuasive. Just like you are a fighter. That's how they know." He says.

I nod and lean away. I look over at Derek. I see he has a worried look. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Zu is my little sister."

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