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''Once upon a time, there was nothing but darkness.

But then, the darkness created the Sun. He named it Gaia and gave her the Power of the light, warmth and Creation.

With that Power, Gaia created the Earth and spread light and warmth allover it. She gave the Earth Life, like plants and animals. She named the light Day.

The darkness was skeptical too how Gaia had made Earth. There was only sunshine and warmth and the Life on Earth were Always happy. So he created the Moon and named her Luna. He gave her the Power darkness, coldness and of destruction.

With that Power, Luna transformed half of the Day's ligth into darkness and cold  and called it night.

Luna and Gaia were the first Gods.

Together, Luna and Gaia created other Gods that would Control their own special Power and use it as a gift too Earth.  The special Power the God had, would be marked as a symbol on their skin.

Finally, the Gods created versions of themselves and called them humans. The only diffrence was that, instead of symbols, the humans bore numbers, marking their skin so they would know that they would never be as powerful as the Gods.

The Humans and the Gods lived peacefully together for generations until the darkness got bored. It was not enough misery in the World  and that's why he created the unmarked.  He gave them godlike Powers and his spirit, hence why the unmarked were all selfish,cruel and had no heart.

The unmarked made humans their slaves and ruled viontley. Gaia could not allow it so she made a pakt with the darkness. If the Gods let the humans make it on their own and rule from distance, he would destroy the unmarked.

Gaia agreed and the unmarked disappeard from Earth. The Gods let the humans survive without them there too be helping them. More and more misery spread through out the World. BUt as long as the unmarked never could set a foot on the earth again, all would be well.''

The storyteller, or more know as Queen Primrose, closed the book and smiled at the children. On every wednesday she would go down to the orphanage and read a book to the children from all over Town, since most of their parents couldn't read to them.

A Little girl raised her hand. Primrose sighend. It was Always the same girl that raised her hand after the story was done and  Always had a question about the story. How she thought about a question in that Little time, Primrose did not know.

-Yes Elsa? she said softly.

The girl lowered her Brown hand and cleared her throat.

-How do we know that the unmarked were so evil?

Primrose chuckled at the girl. A Little bit of her dress came lose on her shoulder and showed her marking of roman numbers.

-But Elsa, it's says right here how bad they were!

Elsa furrowed her brows.

-But how do we know that is the real story? The unmarked weren't there to write it and neither were the gods, who should have the real story. The only perspective we know from are the humans and we have a way off being overdramatic.

-But why wouldn't they be telling the truth? Another boy behind Elsa said. Nobody with those Powers will strive torwards anything other than darkness.

The Queen nodded.

-Exactly. We know that this story is true, Elsa, because of their unnatural Powers. Without them they wouldn't have been evil and had not been able too overthrow us and make us their slaves. Remember to, that the darkness created them and the darkness wants nothing other than misery and pain.

Elsa cocked her head to the side.

-But the darkness also created the sun, so that must mean that some of the unmarked were good!

The Queen laughed.

-I have never Heard About a nice unmarked and I Think I'll never will. Again, the darkness created Gaia for good, he created the unmarked for misery.

Elsa did not respond to that.

The Queen smiled.

-That concludes this week book. I'll see you next week!

 All the kids that was not part of the orphanage stood up and walked torwards the exit. Elsa stood up and with her head low, she dragged herself torwards the city.

While all the other kids were going back to their homes in Corona, Elsa walked to the qutskirts of the city which was surronded of Woods.

When she had crossed the bridge, she walked on the path of the Woods for a few minutes until she got to a lake nearby.

She closed her Eyes and took a Deep breath. She took of her gloves.

The other kids in Town thought she was weird for having her gloves on all the time. They also thought that it was weird that the gloves was the only thing that was newly bought from what she owned.

Elsa lifted her glove less hands. She loved the feeling without the gloves on. She loved how she could feel the wind against her fingers and be able too feel Everything around her.

Elsa opened her Eyes and twisted her hand. The water nearby turned to ice. She lifted her hand and Sharp icicles came out of the ice. She drew back her hand and shoot it forward. As she did, a big wave formed and it turned into ice. Elsa smiled.

She kneeled down at the lake and wiped away the marking that she had to paint on herself every morning. She smiled even wider when she saw her old scar that marked an 'x' where her marking should be.

As she stood up and drew her hands back, she thought of something;

If it's true what the Queen says, then there had never been a good unmarked.

So why would she be any diffrent?

She would be like the other unmarked, evil and create misery, but she would not treat humans as her inferior and she would not use her Powers to be better than the humans.

She would be diffrent in some ways, she thought as she shoot her hands forward. The icicles were now almost as long as the trees in the forest and they were as Sharp as Arrows.

Elsa giggled.

Now the real fun could begin.


And so is this story

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this au is awesome

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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