01. the tip of an iceberg

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The old man had been sure that nobody followed him. If his captian would know who else he worked for he would be punished with death.

He looked back once again and when it was clear he opened the door to the bar.

It was empty. He could imagne that it was full minutes ago until she came in here.

She was as usual at the table in the middle, trying to drill down her dagger in the table. She was wearing a cloak, which was covering half of her face.

He walked over to her with shacky legs.

He took of his red, knited hat and held it against his chest.

-My queen, I have some news about Hook.

A long silence followed before she gestured him to sit down.

-Tell me everything Smee.

Smee leand torwards the woman. She wrinkled her nose at his disgusting breath.

-He plundered the Duke of Weseltown again. I have never seen so much gold in my enterie life.

She smirked.

-Well dont get used to it. Because it will soon be mine.


Night fell in Corona. Which meant that the pubs were opening and all the thieves came out to plunder.

Hook and his crew were out getting wine, being stupid enough to leave Smee too guard.

But then again Hook was an idiot.

Elsa was a few streets away from the docks. Not wanting to be seen by Hook and his crew, she decieded to climb up one of the houses and walk on the roofs of the houses instead.

She was dressed for a real good heist. Her ice blonde hair was covered by a black captians hat, a black, long coat was on top of her White tunic and she had put on loose pants that she tucked in to her boots.

When she came to the last house she slid down the drain and drank the image around her.

It would have been pitch black if the moon wasn't high up in the sky and shined light on Corona and its castle.

She caught the eyes of two men who stood in the shadows of the pub next to the docks, one lean and angular and the other burly and old.

She made a motion against the boat and like a cat, hoped onto the boat without making a sound. The lean man, Aster, came after and together the heaved up the other  man, North. He layed down for a bit, panting. Elsa looked around the boat and knew she had been wrong. Hook's pirates came out, looking satisfied with their finding.

Hook came out from his crowd of pirates, looking all high and mighty.

-I heard that I was recieving company from the Queen of thieves today, he stated and wiped his hook with his red coat.

Elsa grined.

-Captain Hook! How Lovely to see you're still an incompentent pirate. Couldn't even do a real ambush, Elsa said, as she faked a pout.

Hook ignored her comment and turned to her companions.

-Welcome to my ship, gentlemen! He took of his hat and bowed. My name is Captain Hook, but you don't need to remember that because you will soon go on the plank. You will die with little dignity, thieves.

-We'll at least die with more dignity then you, Bunny said, crossing his arms.

-Because I am a pirate?

Bunny smirked.

-No, because you have heels.

Laughs were heard through the crew and Hook's turned as red as his coat.

Elsa couldn't help but chuckle.

Hook turned to her and smiled.

-I didn't know you worked with someone, your Majesty.

Elsa snorted.

-I dont. They work for me. Look, I only came here for the treasure, so can I win now?

-You'll have to go through me first, my Queen, he drawled and drew out his sword.

Elsa laughed.

-You Think you can beat me? You may have heard of my heists but have you heard anything about my skills? I'm the best swordsman in the land. Nobody has ever beaten me.

Elsa drew both of her swords out and in that moment an arrow hit a member of the crew. Another crew memeber disappeared and then another. Hook watched, shooked, as a bush of red hair flew by and knocked down one more person. The ginger took out her bow and taped an arrow to it. Two other came flying by as the fights begun. Hook charged against Elsa. 

She held out her swords and a loud clang echoed through out the ship. Hook was fast but Elsa was faster. With one sword, she blocked his sword and with the other she made him fall onto the floor. Hook lost grip of his sword and it flew a few feet away.

He tried to scramble to his feet but Elsa took a hold of his shirt and pulled him torwards her and held a dagger to his throat.

She and Hook was now face to face. She smirked as she gestured to her crew to go get the treasure. She leaned torwards his ear and whispered

-You Think I'm famous for my Powers, Hook? That I have not the skills to make myself famous? I do not use my Powers to be better than you, because I know my skills will Always outnumber yours. You wanted to be famous for killing the only unmarked on Earth but instead you will be know as the fool who dared to challenge me. Remember that.

She let him go and Hook started to wail, rubbing his throat. Elsa put back her swords in her scabbars.

She looked so that all of her crew got out of the ship.

She hoped down and held her hand against the ship. She felt the ice forming under her fingers and made them spell:


Elsa smiled. That would be a pleasent suprise in the morning for Hook.

Gonna end there.

So, Elsa is wearing pants and have quite a temper.




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