Before Daddy

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It's always been this way around this house for years, my Dad has always be here but at the same time he hasn't, he's a drunk and addicted to weed. He lies to my Mom all the time about it and she believes him.
My mom is sweet but with my dad the way he is she's always up tight. She has always been really hard on me since I was 10. I had to help with everything, such as my sister and brother. They are a lot younger than me. I'm 17 my sister is 5 and my brother is 8. I never really got a real childhood, but I have a family.

The school I go to is one of the worst places ever. When you live in a small town you think you can trust people. Maybe I should have learned from my Dad.
See I trusted this guy that I've know since I was 11 but last year when we where walking to school he took me to the fair grounds and found an empty barn and takes me inside and forces himself on me ripped my cloths off and rapped me. Then he told me if I told anyone he was going to stab me. So I never told anyone until I finally broke and told my mom. We tired everything we could but my dad said it was a wast of time and no one would believe me.

So from then on I didn't talk. I would sit there thinking. I would do my homework and do what ever I was told and stayed out of the way of my dad. His drinking got worst. And day by day I would start thinking more and more that I shouldn't be here. My wrist became all cut up and I stopped eating. I had dinner and water and that's it.

But that was before I had my Daddy Dom. He saved me from myself. This is how I became a little.

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