Good morning

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Bell's point of View💜💜

My eyes slowly open to the soft light pouring into the room. I flutter my eyes until I can see clearly, I see the red bedroom. Then I remember that I'm at our new house. The house that Jack built for me, and there he is holding me tight to his chest. His muscly arms wrapped around my small waste, his head rested on the pillow sleep soundly.

I try to wiggle out of his grasp because I have to pee really badly but he has me held so tight I can move. I wiggle more until I hear him groan.

"Baby what are you doing?" He asks, still half asleep.

"I have to peeeeeeeeee daddy but you holding me really tight I cant get up." I wine.

his grip loosens but then tightens again "Wait you have to promise me that once you pee you come back and let daddy snuggle you more." He says waking up a bit more.

"I promise daddy."

he lets me go and I dash down the hall to the little girls room. I go potty and then realize that this bathroom is kitten themed. Everything has a pink kitten on it. Its all pink and fluffy! And if its not than its Hello Kitty!

I Finish washing my hands and run back to daddy. I open the door and jump into the bed.

"You seem very happy." Daddy points out.

"I just saw my bathroom! I love it!" I squeal and jump on top of my daddy laying across his chest.

He laughs then rolls over and pins me to the bed. Jack is inches from my face just looking at me.

I tilt my head to the side. "What is it daddy?"

"Your just so damn pretty... no wait your not pretty! Your so beautiful that the stars are jealous of you."

I giggle and blush like crazy, I try to hide my face but he has my hands pinned.

"Don't more little one." He demands. wow that was more of a turn on that I expected, I freeze and look into his crystal blue eyes. he leans down and kisses me. the kiss if burning with sparks. rolling over and sitting my on his lap the kiss becomes more. gasping for air but not wanting to leave his touch. He finally pulls away. "Are you hungry?"

"A little bit..." I look into his eyes again.

he reaches over with me still on his lap and grabs his phone from the night stand. he opens in app pushes some buttons then puts it back and kisses my forehead. "So today I think we should talk rules, go over what you will do when I'm working, how to act with business people around oh and look for toys for your room! How does that sound baby girl?"

I sit and think for a moment processing his words, "that sounds good daddy."

"Grate baby girl!" He says pulling me in closer and kisses me. The kiss gets hot and heavy like before. He unzips my pjs and pulls my arms out. I wrap them around him. He kisses my neck then my breasts, he moves down until we hear a knock at the door. I jump. He pulls my pjs back on. "Come in." He says very annoyed.

"Your food sir." A pretty little maid walks in with a cart full of food.

"Thank you." He says still annoyed. she nods and walks out of the room. "Eat up baby girl, anything you want. we have pancakes, both blueberry and chocolate chip, bacon, fruit, eggs and coffee!"

"Yay!" I lean over the top of daddy when a hard swat came across my ass, "Ouchy daddy!" I yelled going back to my spot on the bed. "Why did you do that?" I question him.

"That was rude. you do not reach across anyone; no matter how much you want that thing, you ask young lady." He says is a strong dominate tone. "Say you're sorry and ask for what you would like."

"I'm sowy daddy that I reach over you and for being so rude. may I pwease have so coffee?" I say shyly looking down at my hands resting on my knees.

"Of course baby, good girl." he says in a clam sweet voice. hearing good girl fills my body with pure pleasure. he reaches onto the cart for a cup of coffee and hands it to me.

I sip it. "Is this Starbucks?" I say tasting a caramel macchiato.

"Yes baby girl."

"yummy!" I sip my coffee until its all gone and hand Jack the cup back and say "That was wealy good!"

"I'm glad now what would you like to eat?"

"Chocolate chip pancake and bacon and strawberries pwease."

he put s together my plat then his and we eat. not a word is said. the food was so yummy I could think about anything but it.

I finish my plat and notice that he is just watching me eat.

"What?" I question.

"You're just so darn cute."

"Oh daddy." I say blushing and leaning into him to hide my face.

he kisses the top of my head. " Okay baby girl lets get cleaned up, dressed then we will go down to my office so we can go over rules and other things."

I nod and he puts out plats on the cart and picks me up, he carries me to his bathroom. he sits my on the toilet, I look around the bathroom. I think its the lightest room in the house well other than my rooms. its while with accents of grey and brown.

jack starts the shower and undresses me then himself as I sit watching him, he grabs out a really funny white towel with a hood then a grey fuzzy towel with my hood.

"Okay baby girl time to get in the shower." I stand up and get in he follows. he washes my body and my hair for me, when the conditioner is in my hair he washes his and his body. he gets the conditioner out of my hair the turns the water off and steps out. he wraps his towel around his lower half then gets my out. he dries me off then wraps me in the white towel with the hood. "Stay here while I dry off then we will go back to our room and get dressed, okay?"

"Okay daddy." I sit back on the toilet and watch him. my towel is all fuzzy and warm.

"All done daddy." he grabs my hand and we walk back to our room.

when we get in there the food cart is gone, the bed is made. my cloths from last night are gone and so are my shoes. "Daddy?"

"Yes baby?"

"is there someone who cleans for you?"

"Yes little one, she also cooks."


he chuckles and got to the closest. he grabs and nice red shirt black jeans boxers a belt and socks. he sets them on the bed and goes back, in his hand he had a red tank top, lace and top and bottom, black skater skirt. He then goes to the dress and grabs black thigh highs with black bows at the top and a black lace strapless bra with matching panties. "Get dressed baby girl."

I do as I'm told. he also gets dressed. After he was done he walked me down to his office. He sat on his chair while I sat on his desk.

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