Chapter 1

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I sat down looking through all my old yearbooks with my older brother and grandma.

The memories of all the name calling, teasing, and punches came, bringing tears to my eyes.

"Oh my little Melanie, all grown up but still cries like a baby." My Grandma said laughing like its some sort of joke.

Its always this way, even after I graduated from high school I'm still bullied and thrown around. I can't stand another minute here.

I threw the book off the table and stormed out the room. I feel like I'm going insane, almost like I'm dying on the inside.

Even after mother killed father and got locked up in prison and we moved in with Grandma, we are still dolls in our doll house.

I got my suitcase and packed my belongings. I'm sick and tired of everything. I looked at the picture frame on my night stand.

I stared at my family, me, my mom, dad, brother, and grandma all smiling like were the perfect family. I screamed and threw it on the ground shattering the glass.

Tears streamed down my face as I carefully picked up the picture and put it in my suitcase. Just so I could remember what they all look like.

I took the stash of weed out my brothers room. It can come in handy.

I ran out the house leaving the door wide open. I didn't have time to close it, I have to get out of here as fast as I can.

I ran down the road, not stopping to catch my breath. Soon I was downtown in the hood. I finally stopped and caught my breath.

I noticed that there was a gang watching me. I suddenly felt overwhelmed. They'll hurt me, rape me, and cut me up and throw me in a ditch.

I fell to the ground and cried. I sobbed creating a pool of tears. "Babygirl whats wrong? What you crying for?"

I looked up to see a tall darkskin man with braids.

"I ran away, I'm fed up, tired of being treated like a toy and being forced to act like a doll. I couldn't handle it anymore." Tears continued to stream down my face.

"Its okay baby girl, I wont hurt you. C'mon I'll get you out of here." He said extending his hand to help me up.

Just about when I was about to grab his hand I jerked it away and cried even harder, "No! You just want to use me then you'll dump me back on the streets." I covered my face as I cried.

He sighed, "Well lemme tell you something. Where you ran into is no good for pretty ladies like you. I suggest you take the risk of coming with me then get gang raped and killed by the crazy motherfuckers that live here." He said with a straight face.

I thought about it for a second, he is right. I brought myself to the wrong place I have to get out of here or else ill be someones next piece of cake and discarded in a bodybag over a bridge.

I nodded my head, "I'll go with you." He extended his arm. "Smart choice." I stood up, he carried my suitcase to his black Dodge Challenger and put it in the trunk.

I got in the passenger seat, leaving my seatbelt off just incase I had to jump out the car.

He got in the drivers seat and started the car. "Allow me to introduce myself, my name's Rakim Mayers im 20 years old and I work as a real-estate manager. What about you?"

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